Chapter 2

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Aika's POV

I finally got to the classroom on my schedule. While I was walking through the flawless,marble hallway the constant squeaking of my shoes echoed making me self conscious and I also left dirt marks on the floor... Well at least it won't be me cleaning it up.

I peek into the classroom through the clear glass to see what was happening and all I saw was a bunch of students slumped on their desks that were bored out of their minds and a teacher scribbling gibberish on the blackboard. I sighed, it's just like any other school day I guess.

The door handle, I think I've seen it before. I think it was called a lever handle. It had a smooth curve on it to fit the grip of your hand. I put my hand on the cool metallic handle and turned it. It didn't move so I started shaking it frantically, I peer through the window again to see everyone staring and the teacher glaring at me. I guess I was making more noise than I thought.

The teacher walked up to the door and opened it for me.

There was an awkward silence for a while until the teacher cleared his throat.

"Ak hmm wakahkah uhhtkushh..."

"Aika Chiba sir" I interrupted his awkward coughing.

"Ah yes, next time make sure to be on time because we lock the door the second the bell rings. Tardiness is not accepted at all in Ouran, only unsophisticated and crude people arrive late, do you understand Miss. Chiba?" The teacher lectured.

"Yes sir" I mutter through my teeth clenched in repulsion. I'm disliking this school already. Seriously, unpredictable things can cause people to be late, we can't be perfect you know.

"Then go on and find a seat" replied the teacher.

I nodded my head and started to go to the back of the room. I felt the curious stares of the other students and the whispers about how they didn't know who I was- probably because I went to a public school and not a private school. The walk to the back felt like an eternity

When I reached the back I sat down at a surprisingly clean table. I guess not a lot of people sit at the back. I put down my backpack on the floor-watching the looks of distaste on the other students faces- and sit down onto the wooden bench.

I pulled out my laptop and slowly and gently placed it on the table as if it was the most precious thing on earth. There was a quiet beep when it turned on but other then that it was noiseless. I cherish my laptop, hell I worship it. I received this laptop from the orphanage when I was 9. Everyone chipped in and bought me a laptop for my birthday.

I didn't pay attention long enough to even know the subject this class was about. I just started playing on my laptop. But before that I did look around a bit to take in my surroundings. There was a boy with short hair that was dressed similarly to me scribbling furiously in his note book as if his life depended on it a couple rows ahead of me and to his right were two boys that looked related.

I don't usually listen in class or participate, I know what you're thinking, she's an idiot. Well close, I just really don't like work, well, who does, and there's no purpose that really interests me. I don't really know what to do with my life, it's just really boring. Will studying all this junk really help me in life. To be honest I don't really know but i'm too lazy to try.

The period sped by and before I knew it I was logging out my laptop and putting it into my backpack.

I noticed the guy in front of me struggling to carry all of his stuff and being the super nice person I am, I offered to help him.


" Hey you! Yeah you. Wait, no not you. Yeah you the guy in sweats. Did you call for help? WELL HELP IS ON IT'S WAY!!!" Nah jk jk


"Hi, would you like some help carrying your books?"

"Yeah that'd be a great help thanks a ton"

"My name's Aika, how about you?"

"Nice to meet you Aika, my name's Haruhi"


A/N Hi everyone. I decided to upload chapter 2 today:) I think all the chapters will be around this length. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment your opinions!  

The Shadow King's Rival OHSHC(Kyoya X Oc) *In the middle of revisingWhere stories live. Discover now