Chapter 6

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Before I got my MRI scan, I had a chance to look around. Haruhi and everybody else weren't allowed inside so I was alone with the nurse.

"So.... How does this thing work?" I asked curiously

"Hush just lay down, as the scan starts you will hear a loud noise, do not be alarmed, it is completely normal and helps us get an image of your brain, so if you could please stay still inside."

"Okay, cool..."

I laid cold still as the machine scanned my brain for any bad bits for a while. It felt like forever while it was probably just half an hour. They made me take off all my jewelry before coming in, something about this being a giant magnet. I'm totally fine with laying around and doing nothing, but it's just different when you HAVE to do it, you know?

After we were done the nurse got me changed and took me back our to be with everybody else. She then proceeded to show me the results and briefly explain that my brain is healthy I'd only need anti inflammatory medication for external damage to the head. 

Kyoya covered the price for the medication and all was good.

That was until Kyoya offered to escort me home.

It was just me and him left. Everyone else got their own rides and Haruhi got dragged with Tamaki

He held his hand out to help me get into his limousine. I, of course decline and say, "I'll just take the bus, no need to go out of your way for little me".

A flash of annoyance passes through his eyes then quickly morphed into a fake smile. I nearly thought it was just my imagination but I saw the slight twinges of his dark brown eyes which wrinkled into smiles in less than a second. Scary

"I would love to let you go home on your own, but I couldn't leave someone with a head injury alone, could I?" He said this with such a frigid tone that it sent shivers down my spine. 

Suddenly he grabs my arm and pulls me into the seat beside him. The door closes and the vehicle starts running. This happened so quickly that I did not even notice Kyoya putting on my seat-belt for me.

"Safety first ^_^"

His hand was surprisingly warm and wrapped around my wrist. For some reason I didn't want to pull away.

I surrender this round, he's right, my head is still sore and I do have all my stuff to carry. I silently fumed on my side of the seat begrudgingly giving my address to the driver in front of Kyoya. I can tell, the instant he heard this, his intention to dig up every single piece of information he can get on me. Not like he'll get any, the security of the place I call home is top notch. He might of won the battle by finding my home, but the war goes on!

During the drive, I looked everywhere except for Kyoya's face. I don't know if I'm mad or annoyed at this situation. I hate being indebted to someone. His hand stayed around my wrist as we were sitting through the whole ride. Which was unbelievably awkward as neither one of us held a decent conversation as we stared out the window of our corresponding seats.

The limousine pulls into the drive way of Sunny Side, the name of the orphanage I stay at, and I let out a long sigh. Thinking back, this day felt like forever, I'm just glad to be home. I jerked back a little as the driver parks the limousine and I still felt Kyoya's hand on my wrist. 

"I guess I better head in now", I mumble as I reluctantly pull my hand from Kyoya's. It was weird how safe I felt being next to him despite the awkwardness. I reach over to release my seat-belt when the door opens and Kyoya is standing over me. How did he get over there so quickly? Is this something he practiced, getting out of a car as quickly as possible? As I amuse over the idea, Kyoya suddenly leans in.

I feel his warm breath tickle my neck and a warm feeling starts to rise in me. I held my breathe while he unbuckled my seat-belt for me. click!

He held out his hand for me again, and I took it as he helped me out of the Limousine. I managed to squeeze out a cool "Thanks" while screaming my head off on the inside. Hopefully he didn't notice.

The driver handed me my stuff from the trunk and I headed up the stairs to my home. I give a final wave to Kyoya before heading inside.

The Shadow King's Rival OHSHC(Kyoya X Oc) *In the middle of revisingWhere stories live. Discover now