Chapter 5

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I got a pretty sweet room, although there really isn't any use for it since i'm only getting a check up, thanks to Kyoya's connections, hmm... how else can I benefit from these idiots!

The bed was comfy af and the blanket was made of alpaca wool, Freaking alpaca wool!! Soon after settling in, a nurse entered. She passed me a form asking about all the legal stuff, I didn't really read it, I mean come on it's like 100 pages, i'm not supposed to be signing these anyways.

I signed the form and returned it to the nurse, she took it back to wherever she came from and left us in the room.


Kyouya's Pov
I was trying to see what Aika was inputting into the system, that was, until she shot me a nasty look. Seriously, I was just curious, what on earth could she be hiding after putting up that outrageous wall on her school profile. Even I didn't have the time to decrypt it, I mean I obviously could if I wasn't so busy.

When Aika, Haruhi and the others went on their way to the assigned room, I immediately took out my laptop and looked up the information Aika just inputted. I tapped my fingers impatiently as the page loaded.

NAME: Aika Chiba
DATE OF BIRTH: 12/34/56
HEIGHT: 100 ft
WEIGHT: 100g
ADDRESS: 444 Stalker Avenue
CONDITION: My head got crushed and I'm currently dying
SEX: I like it
GENDER: Bender
AGE: 10000000000000 (insert measurement of time here)
INSURANCE: Proceed to stalkerKyouya
OTHER NOTES: I see, so this is the game you want to play, just so you know, you're gonna get your ass kicked. :P

I slammed my laptop shut with a bright red face. That girl, she doesn't know what boundaries are... She's going to be begging on her knees crying to me sooner or later, and I'm going to make sure she understands!

The Shadow King's Rival OHSHC(Kyoya X Oc) *In the middle of revisingWhere stories live. Discover now