Chapter 1

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"Get Up!You have school!!Come on!!Let's Go!!" my mother yelled as she walked in my room.

I groaned and rolled off my bed.Today was the day that I was starting junior year at a new school, which means a new beginning.Bad thing was I didn't know anybody.

But mother insisted that we moved from Arizona all the way to Florida because she was struggling to find a job.Which of course wasn't her fault.Ever since my dad left, my mom had some problems being the only parent around.

"Y/N how are you not dressed, I told you to dress about 20 minutes ago and your siting here watching Mario's broadcast!!"

"I'm sorry mom, I'm just really nervous, i'm mean this is my first time going to a different school.I don't know how it's gonna go."

"Look sweetie I know that this is a big change in your life but your just gonna have to make it work."

"Okay i'll try"I said as I was watching Mario's broadcast.

As I left my phone to charge I got up and ran straight to my closet since I only had 30 minutes to change.It took me a while to decide what to wear.But I actually found a outfit.I decided to wear a black leggings with a red flannel shirt and black vans.I'm not that type of a girl where you open there closet and expect to see pink and glitter everywhere.I'm more of a tomboyish type of person.

I quickly put on some mascara and just a little amount of blush.And straighten my hair

I grabbed my phone and bag and got distracted by the smell of delicious pancakes.I quickly ran downstairs and saw my mom with her apron while pouring pancake mix on the pan.

"Ohhh that smells so good!!" I said

"Oh hi sweetie you look nice and ready for your first day of school.I decided to make your favourite pancakes on your first day of school.So are you ready to begin a new chapter in your life?"

"I don't know mom"I said while stuffing my face with pancakes.

As I looked at the time, it was time to go.

"Bye, mom I love you"

"Bye, sweetie have a good day!"

As I was walking towards my car.I see a really tall guy.I couldn't see his face since he was trying to open his car.

"This is why I don't let Cat use my car!!!"he yelled

Wait that name Cat sounds familiar

I decided to help the guy out.So I got out of my car and started to walk towards the car.

"Umm excuse me, but do you need help?" I said as I tapped his shoulder

The minute he turned around.I just couldn't believe it was him.It was Mario Selman

"Umm, who are you?"

UNCONSCIOUS LOVE//Mario SelmanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora