Runaway Assassin

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chapter 1

Lindsey's P.O.V

I stuffed as much of my clothes as I could into a red backpack along with all of the money my dad gave me before he left my mom, basterd. I put on my purple rain jacket and my dark blue cap and went into my mom's room, she was fast asleep snoring "goodbye mom" i whispered. I took my red backpack and walked out of the door, you're probably wondering who i am and why I am running away.

1. My name is Lindsey Robbert, I'm 10 years old, and last person you would expect to runaway. probably because I always got good grades, never complained, and always did as i told with a little smile on my face that made you think she has the best life ever. WRONG

2. As much as I loved my dear mother she is what i like to call a over protective, drug addicted bitch, I know, I know i shouldn't say something like that about my mother. But she would always tell me to do certain thing and i don't mean like get dressed, go to bed, eat your vegetables, or stuff like that. she'd wake you up 2 o'clock in the morning just to clean the living room or would yell at you if you lost something or make you think that you've "wasted her time" or steal some of you're money without even paying back . Plus she ignores me and mostly spends her time sleeping.

Anyway, i ran down the apartment stairs down towards my bike where I started rideing, down the street to god knows where. I should've put more thought into this, all I did was spend about 2 days on if I should do this or not and doing my homwork. I looked down at my watch it read 6:15 ugh my legs are exhausted, I looked up and saw a sign that said dinner  5 miles away.

Okay just a few more miles i can make it, just ignore the pain in your legs and you can- oh shit, I ran over a shard of a beer bottle and broke my tire. my bike started to wobble a little bit then tipped over causing me to go into the mud, "oh come on" I yelled. I sighed in frustration and started walking, this really sucks first my bike brakes now I have to freaking walk grrrr.

After walking for about an hour and a half I finally came towards the diner "finally" i muttered, I walked into the diner and sat down at one of the tables. I took one of the menus and put it infront of my face so no one  could see me  "what can i get you Hun" the waitress asked

"a coke and cheeseburger please" I said "um can you please tell me where the restroom is" she pointed towards the door to the left "thanks" I said. I went into the restroom and changed into a black shirt with ripped jeans and red sweat jacket, when I exited out the t.v had my picture on it another waitress came up to me and said "excuse me Hun but we need to tal-" she was interrupted by a man in his mid to late 40's "is there a problem miss" he said

"sir this isn't any of-" she was cut off again "yes it is miss" he said "i'm her uncle" I looked up at him shocked, what did he just say?


cliff hanger XD

Question: Do you think that Lindsey had a good right to leave or no? who do you think the mystery man is? tell me what you think and don't forget to vote or fan :)

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