runaway assassin

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mother's P.O.V

oh god, it's been half n' hour and nobody's talking to me; I mean it's thanksgiving a time of reuniting and stuff but instead they're all ignoring me. "so mom how are you" I asked

"how do you think I am" mom said sternly "my irresponsible daughter who never spent any special time with my granddaughter causing her to runaway" I felt tears start to sting my eyes while my aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers stare at me wide eyed. "you know what mom? I may have not been the perfect mother but least I know I who her father is and WASN'T A F*CKING  WHORE LIKE YOU" I stormed out of the house and starting driving. what the hell is wrong with that bitch i mean yeah i barely spent time with her but I didn't cause her to runaway. I turned on the radio and listened to 9.99 'police found the body of a priest stabbed in his office' okay thats enough news.

I turned into the CVS parking lot and went inside to buy some pills thank god the stores are open on a holiday. "hey sarah, how ya do'in" phil said "shouldn't you be celebrating thanksgiving"

"oh i'm fine things didn't work out so well at dinner so..." I trailed off "what about you"

"my family celebrates it at lunch so we won't bother having to cook a another meal" he chuckled "so what can I get for you the usual" I nodded, no it's not sleeping pills anymore it's anti-deppresint ever since Lindsey ran away and all the guilt I switched. "hey can I ask you something" he asked

"sure what" I said

"there's this friend of mine and um she's been living with us........and  I kinda think i'm in love with her how do I get her attension" he asked

"well my ex-husband gave me flowers, candies, and some other junk I love and sent it as secret admire till on the tenth time or fifteenth he revealed himself" god just thinking about that brings back memories.

"cool..thanks alot i'll try and it's on the house" he said running out of the store, I drove straight home and layed down on the couch. After telling Phil about Jarold I can't stop remebering that day, he was so nice, so sweet, and so mysterious.

>flash back<

I was sitting on the couch watching the full house when someone knocked at the door "i got it" I yelled to mom. I opened the door and no one was there, I looked down and saw a cardboard box with a note on it.

to my love,

I can't get you out of my head
your the most amazing thing I have ever laid my eyes on

a sercret admire

I opened the box and inside was a navy blue silk scarf, I couldn't help but smile at the fact I had an admire ME.

>end of flashback<

I went into the closet and took out a cardboard box with all the things he gave me, from the dried up dead roses to all the love notes. I put it back and noticed the photo album of Jarold, Lindsey, and me. I threw it in the box of the things Jarold gave me and put it in a little door that was another closet, I know a closet in a closet. I felt the tears in my eyes begin to swell and ran into the bathroom and took the anti-depresent pills. Why won't my life go back to normal, so far it's nothing but a f*cking hell hole?


hope you had a really nice thanksgiving, Here's a picture of Phil

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Runaway AssassinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora