runaway assassin

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Lindsey's P.O.V

Tom and I drove two blocks away from where Jarold lives and started walking towards his place, I'm so excited I've always wanted my dad to die. I guess, I didn't expect it to be me to do it "are you sure you're up to this" Tom asked "It's not too late to back out"

I paused for a minute "yeah, i'm up to it....and besides i'm not letting you go alone" I said I knew that Tom didn't have a chance to face my dad, especially against his team. We continued to walk in total silence, I looked over at Tom's face;  he looked serious and angry at the same time. I'm not suprised though, Tom can easily keep a grudge on someone for a very long time. "It's been almost 9 years since we've ever done a mission together" I said trying to lighten the mood. He looked at me and nodded

(10 years ago)

"Okay see that man over there" Tom whispered pointing at the man in long coat, I nodded fiddling with the knife Tom gave me"now, I want you to go over there act sweet for him. then when he gets close enough stab him"  I nodded putting the knife in my dress pocket and walked up to him.

"Excuse me, mister" I said pulling on his coat "can you please help, I can't find my mommy"

"Aw, poor thing" he said crouching down "I know a nice warm place where we can-" I stabbed him in the chest a few times and watched as his eyes widend as he fell on the sidewalk dead.

"Very good, Lindsey" Tom said "that's my girl" he lifted me up and took me home.

end of flashback

We were finally there Tom and I hid under a tree to get ready, I put the knife in my boot and got the gun. "Alright, you go make sure nobody's walking about and kept quiet and I'll go into Jarold's room" he whispered I have to give him credit, I didn't expect him to remember this place after how many years? We entered the house and went our own ways I went into everyone all of the member's room and shot them, I went to Ryan's room last because I wanted that pervert to suffer. I quietly walked into his and took the knife out of my boot and went over to his, this is for trying to rape me you son of a bitch. I tore off the covers and didn't see him

"Did you come back for more, baby doll" I heard Ryan say from behind, I grabbed my gun and shot at him but missed. Damn it, why am I so shakey? He lunged at me but I ducked and pinned him to the floor. "you know, this is a little bit kinkey" he said

"Wow, even when you're about to die you're a perv" I said pointing the gun at his head, I shot him in the head and he stopped moving. I laid down on his bed for a minute taking everything in and then got up to see if Tom was finished. I entered Jarold's room and saw Tom on the floor all bloody and breathing heavily. Across from him was Jarold a little bit worse than Tom.

"Finish me" Jarold said "go on finish me" I brought the gun to his head and put my finger on the trigger but I didn't shoot. I felt like I couldn't move, like I couldn't even do it bastard or not. I dropped the gun and heard him laugh "I knew you couldn't do it, you were able to killl all of those people but not your own dad" he kept laughing until I couldn't take it any longer.

"You're not my father, you're a bastard" and then I shot him, his eyes closed and he stopped breathing, it was all over. I looked over at Tom and relized he needs to go to a hospital, I called up the gang and they all came and drove him to the nearest hospital. We couldn't risk bringing the cops here, the wonder what happenend. We knew if we drove him we could make up something and use his fake name.

We all waited in the waiting room till the operation was over "It must of been hard for you to kill your father like that, huh Lindsey" Briana said

"Yeah" I said "but he was pretty much dying anyway, I just put him out of his miserey"

"Antonio, Randes" A nurse said, we all stood up "His condition is fine, he has a few stiches and a broken rib and arm but he's fine. You can come in and see him now if you'd like" We walked into his room and saw him staring at the wall.

"Hey Tom" I said "how're you feeling"

"I'm fine, it's not anything bad" he said "how about you though" Damn it i'm crying, I quickly looked down at me feet so he wouldn't see me cry. I felt Phil put his arms around me to try to comfort me. "Could I please have a moment alone with Lindsey" Tom asked, they all nodded and left. "Lindsey sit down" he said, I did "I know it's rough killing someone you've known and loved so much, remember when I told you I ranaway once myself ten years ago. I did, after I killed my mother she told to do it so I did. I felt like I couldn't do it but when I did I felt that I couldn't do anything but run and forget about. So I know whats going on with you"

"Thank you, Tom" I said "well, what happens now. Do we take you home tommorow and continue doing our job"

"I guess so" he said "except we need to your mom sooner or later about us" I nodded

"I know" I said "should we tell her togther or-" I was cut off when mom entered.

"I'm sorry am I interupting" she asked, I shook my head "How are you feeling, I can't believe you got ran over" I looked over at Tom and he looked back at me nodding.

"Mom, Tom wasn't ran over" I said "there's something else too"


I kept my promise, one or two more chapters to go then done.
I'll upload again either this weekend or earlier.

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see you super soon,

Runaway AssassinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora