runaway assassin

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Lindsey's P.O.V
(2 weeks later)

The last two weeks were pretty boring, well besides the stuff from my secret admirer. So far, including the pair of gloves I got red roses, gift cards to my favorite places, and a leather jacket. I walked into game room and saw sophie and stephen playing pool "hey" stephan said "wanna play" I nodded as he threw me a pole. "So when is this secret admirer will reveal himself" sophie asked

"not sure" I said "but i hope it's soon though" It's been two weeks and I do feel sorry for whoever it is though tom will beat the crap out of him. I still remember what tom did to that guy back in middle school who kissed me. Haven't seen him since that day, I was pulled out of my train of thought when I heard the door open. I turned around and saw phil leaning against the door way "hey phil" sophie said

"hey soph" he said "hey Lins wanna play Halo" it beat sitting hear and playing pool and I did like Halo. I followed phil upstairs into his room and grabbed a game controler. "You really should get Halo 4, I heard the graphics are way cooler" I said

"whats the point, to me all sequel video games are like final destination" he said "same plot"

"Hey" I said "Final destination is awesome doesn't matter if it's the same plot"

"never said it wasn't awesome" he exclaimed we started playing the game, hope he likes getting beat. It was so much fun playing with, he always cursed when he died. While we were playing, I noticed that phil starts scooting next to me. What the hell, I should probaly do something but I kind of like it. We were almost finished till I paused the game "wanna just say that I won As usual" I grinned, he started to laugh

"nope" he said moving closer, time for a little experiment.

"really wish my secret admirer would come out" I said "it's been two weeks"

a satisfied smile crosses his face "well Lins, I'll let you in on a secret" he said "it's me i'm your secret admirer" what do you know, my experiment worked but...why do I feel so uncertain, nervous, and happy it's not love so what is it. 

"I-I don't know what to say but..." I was about to finish when I heard tom calling from downstairs, saved by Tom. I looked back up at Phil and he looked kind of hurt, oh god out of all days "Phil, I'll get back to you" I said walking down stairs

"Hope it's soon" he murmered, he is really starting to make me feel like the bad guy and in my defense I think I am.  I walked down into Tom's office. "You wanted to see me, Tom" I said

"yes, um I've got another person to take care of" he said handing me a sheet of paper with this guys whole life. Reminds me of some actor that I can't remember, I know he was in alot of movies. I pulled that thought out of my head and looked at the paper, he's a phycoligist. "What exactly did he do" I asked

"he makes people forget who they are and turns them into "play tools" for others" he said "are you okay something seems to be biting at you hard" I looked down at the ground

"nothing just some...drama thats all" I said

"We'll talk about it later" he said while walking away, Tom always knew when someone wanted to be alone but comes back asking. I walked out of the office and went into the study, I saw stephen sitting on the couch reading on his iPad. Please don't let him notice me, last thing I want right now is to talk. "hey Lindsey" he said DAMN IT

"hey stephen" i said

"Phil told you that he's your admirer" he said I nodded "giv him a chance okay, he really seems taken by you" nodded again. I walked upstairs into Phil's room and saw him playing Halo "hey, phil" I said "I've been thinking about what you said and" he looked at me with hope "tommorow and me P.F changs" a smile grew wide on his face. "got to go" I said "need to figure out how to kill this guy" Tommorow is gonna be fun won't it.


I hope you enjoyed it, big thanks to mightycrativity92 and ladyJ3llybean. Here's a pic of GIGI even though she wasn't in her _______> I'll upload again real soon. Please vote, comment and fan

thanks blackangel68 

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