runaway assassin

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Lindsey's P.O.V

I've put alot of thought into this one and I decided if there are alot of people a bullet through the head or if barely anybody make it look like a suicide. I walked into Dr.Kargofsky's office and sat down next to some guy early 20's wearing sunglasses with a magazine infront of his face. "can you hand me that magazine right next to you" I asked

"sure" he said grabbing me the magazine, I took the magazine and put my face infront of it. I started reading the magazine when I felt somebody staring at me, I turned and saw the guy with sunglasses staring at me shocked. I cleared my throat which seemed to get him out of his trance, "sorry it's just that you look like a friend of mine" he said "what's your name"

"rebbeca wallace" I lied shaking his hand, what is up with this guy. I feel sorry for having to kill phycoligist, don't meen to be mean but this guys nutso. wait he couldn't be an assassin like me right, no he can't be one. "Rebbeca" Dr.Kargofsky called I walked into his office and closed the door behind me. I layed down on the couch and put my purse on the side of of the couch where he couldn't see it. "so rebbeca tell me why are you here" he said examining my body with his eyes, I would say thats gross but after what that priest did EW.

"Well" I said with pity "I-I killed somebody" I broke down into fake crying

"shhh it's okay rebbeca I'll make you forget all of that" he said turning down the lights "now tell me rebecca who did you kill and why"

"I-I killed you" I said "for making us girls forget who we are and turning us into "play toys"" I heard him gasp and start to run toward the door. I ran up to him and grabbed him by the shirt collar "ah, ah, ah doctor I paid for a full session" I said pushing him into his chair "sit dow-" I was cut off by that guy in the waiting room who barged through the door.

"I know should wait for my session but you need to die now" he said pointing a gun at Dr.Kargofsky

"Wait a fuck'en minute" I yelled keeping the gun to the Doctors head "nobody's gonna kill this guy but me"

"sorry cutie but i'm getting paid for this" he said I knew he was an assassin "maybe when I get my money you and me could have some fun" he is such an ass.

"screw this" I said shooting him in the head and running out the door "looks like somebody's not gonna get paid oh, and i'm taken" I ran straight into my car and sped down the road, can't believe that guy. I should probaly ask Tom about this. I picked up my phone and called Tom but got his voice message "hey tom it's Lindsey, we need to talk" I said. Probaly out with his girlfriend again, they've been pretty tight latley. Or so it sounds like, I haven't met her yet.

I parked into the garage and went inside "Hey bri" I said "Do you know where Tom is"

"not sure" she said "but try his office he's usually in there" I walked up to tom's office door and knocked.

"come in" he said cheerfully sounds like somebody had fun on his date. I walked in tom's office and saw him smoking a cigar with his feet up.

"Looks like somebody had fun" I laughed "got it on with her"

"uh" he said i'll take that as a yes

"anyway is it normal for two groups assassins to get the same mission" I asked

"yes..but very rarely" he said "why, did that happen" I nodded

"but i killed him first" I said "you should have seen him urg he was such an ass" I looked up at Tom and he was making his thinking face.

"this is  wierd 'cause there are no orginazations in this part of town...hell not even in this state" he said

"oh I almost forgot I'm gonna go out tonight for dinner" I said

"don't think thats a good idea kiddo" he said "might want to wait a while" I nodded and walked out of his office. Wonder how phil's gonna take this, I walked upstairs and went into phil's room "hey phil we have a slight problem" I said "while I was doing my mission I bumped into another assassin, Tom says for me not to go out"

"oh, I see" he said "okay then tonight at ten in your room, I'll order a pizza and we can watch a movie" wow, can't believe he found a way around this; I understand why ten cause everyone would be asleep. "Okay" I said "see you then"

After about 5 hours I heard a knock on the door "it's me" phil whispered coming in with a box of pizza. I took the box and put it on the table "what'ya pick out" he asked

"couldn't think of anything I just brought two and a half men" I said he rolled his eyes, i turned on the show and turned down the lights. "So" I asked "how long have you had a crush on me"

"about 3 months after you came here" he said

"you pedophile" I laughed

"same thing stephen said " he murmered I started laughing with him, we started talking through the whole show. Sharing stories, awkward missions, how tom found us, junk like that. After about an hour we started talking about that damn mission "I don't know what was up with him it was like he reconised me or something" i said confused "maybe i did look like his friend"

"I can't believe he asked you if you guys could have some fun" he laughed

"yeah" I said "I brought dessert" taking out the weed, he grabbed it from my hands and made us both joints. As soon as I got mine I took a big puff, after what happened on that mission i needed it. I leaned my head on his shoulder "not a bad date" I said putting my hand in his. I don't think this is the weed talking since I only had one puff but I think i'm falling for him. He lifted my head up and we kissed.


I uploaded again hope you like it, i've been kind of on a role lately so more uploads. :) here's a pic of Dr.Kalofsky

Bye for now, Blackangel68

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