runaway assassin

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stuck on a pic for stephen


Phil's P.O.V
(before talking with violet)

I walked into the kitchen when I saw Tom with tall amber bottle of whiskey "hey tom" I said patting his back "look a bit glum whats wrong" this time a came prepared with an answer to this same old answer that sounds a bit confusing. "nothings wrong" he said "i'm just enjoying the company of my old friend" he nudged his head to the whiskey bottle

"Come on tom" I said "when was the last time you went on a date"

"about 10...15 years ago" he said dazed

"well I have a certain client" i said "from the pharmacy that comes every week, needs some company"

"I don't know, phil" he said "we are all assassins, if I date someone and tell them they will run off tell the cops and we'll be screwed"

"Tom" I said "come on if you get married or something then you should tell her not before"

"fine, when and what time" he said

"tonight at 8 and at panaras" I said I grabbed my phone and called sarah

"hello" she groaned

"hey sarah it's me phil" I said "um I talked to my friend and he said yes"

"really" she exclaimed

"yep tonight at 8 and at panara" I said "bye" I hung up the phone, sniff sniff is that weed I followed the smell upstairs and ended at lindsey's door "hey lins" I said "can I come in" the door opened and I saw Lindsey with a joint in her hand "yeah"

"I smelled the weed from downstairs can I join you" I asked I walked into her room closing the from behind, she handed me the joint and I took a big puff of it "did tom smell it" she asked

"nope" I said popping the p

"so" she said "stephen helped me narrow the choices to who the secret admirer is"

"oh" I said shit, i'm gonna kill him

"yeah" she started laughing "he thinks....h-he" okay she had enough for one day I grabbed the weed out of her hand and threw it in the trash.

"okay you had enough" I said "now what did he say"

"he narrowed it down to you and robbert" she said leaning her head on me. I'm gonna kill stephen, I looked back at lindsey and she was asleep. I picked her up bridal style and layed her down on her bed. Okay now it's time to take care of stephen, I walked into his room and  saw him playing call of duty "hey man" I said sitting next to him on the couch next to hime

"hey man what can I do for ya" he asked

"not much just bored" I said

"how you were smoking weed with Lindsey" he said it's annoying how he know whats everyone's doing. "so lindsey told you how I narrowed it down to you and robbert" he said

"yep" I said annoyed

A grin grew on his face "Dude" he exclaimed "you're her secret admirer" I covered his mouth with my hand. "shh you want the whole house to know" I whispered

"sorry" he said "so how long have you had a crush on her"

"I don't know about 10 years" I said sheepishly

"you pedophial" he laughed

"back when I was 16 and she was 10 it was not considered that and don't you dare tell her" I said annoyed

"okay I won't promise" he said

"any way I got to go help tom get ready for his date" I said

"with who" he asked

"a customer from my job at the pharmacy" I said walking


Okay i know there was alot of talking in it but it's the best I could do and I'll try to put up another chapter up this week or weekend.

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