0 - This Girl

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There's a girl who had this glow,
When she talked about you.
This pretty girl whom I know,
Gives her all and loves so true.

Her heart, fragile yet so pure,
Had been taken for granted.
It longs for love and cure,
T'was what she always wanted.

And then you suddenly came,
Happily swept her off her feet.
Feelings were mutual and same,
Her heart jumped beat after beat.

You could tell that she's happy.
You could see it in her smile.
She smiles so sweet and dreamy.
Like she hasn't for a while.

This girl whom I talk about;
This girl, sweet and passionate.
Did you know? Oh wait, I doubt.
She believes in destiny and fate.

Promises too real; too nice.
She believed all that you said.
But those were nothing but lies.
You left her heart cold and dead.

She thought you're someone better.
Someone unique and diff'rent.
Now, she's walked away forever,
Holding the heart she once lent.

"This Girl"
- R.V. Ross, Lost

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