*Chapter 13* Outings and Realisations

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Recap ( Arya's POV)

" Who were you in love with?"

" You," she stated, looking me straight in the eye. " I still am."

My mouth dropped open in shock but then I closed it immediately for it to not seem rude.

Did I hear it right? Did she just say that she was in love with me? But I didn't feel anything for her. It was absurd to even think of having any feelings for her when I thought of her as my best friend and nothing more.

I blinked my eyes a few times and pinched my arm to confirm if what I was hearing was actual reality.

" What did you just say?" I asked, still in a state of partial shock.

" Saying it once was hard enough Arya. Please don't make me repeat it again."

" But Shy, you're like my little sister."

Her eyes were downcast, her lips were turned down and she was looking down at the floor, nervously playing with her fingers.

" That's what you think Arya. That was also something I pretty much already knew. That's the reason I never broached the subject. I actually didn't want to tell you. But you finally decided to talk about your love life to me and so I got the guts to do so too. I just had some teeny tiny hope that once you knew my feelings, things could work out."

" I am sorry Shy. I am really sorry but I don't feel the same way."

" I realize it now. And it's not your fault either. You don't decide who you fall for. Love is always sudden, never planned. I am sorry too for thrusting all my burden on you. I unnecessarily made you feel guilty.
And Arya, I am sorry again. I do have Riya's number. I was jealous so I shifted the details to my laptop and deleted it from the main application."

I looked at her with a shocked expression, but also a little understanding.

I didn't know what to say, my words were caught in my throat, but she took it the wrong way.

" I am really very sorry Arya," she said, now starting to tug at my hand.

We were getting odd looks from patients around us. All this time, we had been talking quietly, but now she had raised her voice.

" It's okay, Shy. We will talk about this later sometime. How about you drop me off to the airport before I leave on 7th? That way, we will get some time to talk."

" Alright," she said smiling.

She handed over a piece of paper with a number scribbled on it.

" I am really sorry for all the mess."

" Come on Shy, you're my best friend. You don't have to apologize."

I don't know what made me do it. But I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

" Thanks Shy. Thanks so much for understanding. And don't worry I already forgave you," I said, smiling at her.

She blushed and waved at me saying, " Go attend to your patient you doofus," and I walked away with a goofy smile since that was the petname she used to call me when we were teenagers.

Riya's POV:

By the time we packed our picnic basket, got everything ready and dressed to leave, it was already 9 am in the morning. Now I understood why Anandith woke me up so early. I was such a procrastinator and enjoyed lazing on the sofas in my house. It was a herculean task to make me do anything in here, let alone getting ready.

Diya came five minutes later. She looked so pretty. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a floral designer spaghetti top. Her wavy hair was flowing all around her face and her light makeup made her face look brighter.

Anandith hadn't cared much about his appearance. He had just worn a pair of blue jean shorts and a Linkin Park T-shirt, whereas I was dressed in a flowery top with pink coloured corduroy bottoms.

" Diya you look hot!" Anandith said, as soon as he made eye contact with her.

" Are you cheating on my best friend?" I exclaimed, in mock horror.

"And my sister," Diya added smirking. " By the way she's been whining since the time she's returned from your place. I agree she's a lot more happy but she's always asking me when you plan on asking her out."

" Umm about that...soon," Anandith mumbled, suddenly embarrassed.

I didn't understand my brother and his change of moods. Sometimes he was so shy that he couldn't look a person in the face and sometimes he was so bold, cocky and arrogant( having an ego as big as the universe), that he would flirt shamelessly.

" What time are we returning back home?" I asked.

" I guess by 7 in the evening," my brother said with a smile.

" OK let's go then!" Diya said, linking her arms with mine.

Arya's Pov:

After attending to my next patient, I sat down to dial Riya's house number. It was already five in the evening. It kept ringing and ringing and ringing.

Shit. Bloody hell. This life sucked.

I called her six times, but all the times no one picked up. I considered leaving a voice message. But what if someone else in her family heard it? Who would they even think I was? And no. Even if I could leave a formal message, it didn't seem like a good idea.

I couldn't keep thinking about Riya. I had a queue of patients waiting and sadly it was a rush today. That was surprising too, considering that it was a Tuesday. Usually I didn't get so many patients on weekdays.

I decided that I'd try again later.

I had been so busy the whole day, that I had just enough time to breathe. Thoughts of Riya surprisingly slipped off my mind and I crashed into bed with a tired yawn when it was time to sleep. I vaguely remembered thinking Tomorrow, I will definitely call her tomorrow.

Sorry guys, don't worry, the phone call will get through soon. And they will talk. Don't get so impatient...

But anyways, do give your thoughts regarding the chapter.

Did this change your opinion regarding Shyla's character?

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Adios amigos,
:) harshini :)

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