*Chapter 30*: Facetime calls and Engagement Rings

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Five months flew past. We met up occasionally either at his house or at my hostel, and sometimes outside for a date, as we were extremely busy with our work- me with my studies and upcoming exams and he with his preparations and packing for the trip. But even the little bit of time we got together was precious to me and his loving words and heartfelt gestures made me feel like I was the most special girl in the world to him. We slowly got to know each other more and more. Arya's mom almost became my second mom and Aradhana looked up to me like her elder sister.

Before I knew it, the time had come when Arya had to leave. Standing at the airport, holding his hand, thoughts of the past five months rushed through my mind in a blur.

" What are you thinking?" He asked me.

" Just about how much I am going to miss you," I said, feeling really emotional.

His parents and sister had bid him goodbye just a few moments back and had walked out giving us a little time to ourselves. I didn't fail to catch Aradhana's wink.

" Nooo, please don't cry darling," he said and I realized that a single tear had rolled down my cheek.

" We will always be in touch. And you are always in my heart. You know that. You know no one can ever replace you. I love you so much it hurts Riya. Don't ever think that I won't be thinking of you all the time. I am going to miss you a lot too but I want you to concentrate on your studies and shine and excel in whatever you do. Okay?" He wiped the tear drop with his thumb and caressed my cheek lightly.

I was unable to look at him. My eyes were directed at the ground. I was scared that if I looked into those mesmerizing pools of dark chocolate, the waterworks would start again.

He put one finger on my chin and lifted my face up to make me look at him. He placed a tender soft kiss on my lips and said, " You're the only one for me Riya. Don't ever forget that."

My emotions were overflowing out of me at that moment. I hugged him tightly. I didn't feel like ever letting him go. I was so sad that I wouldn't get to feel this warm embrace again. Or be able to touch his soft hands or face or kiss those enticing lips. It was going to be a long time till I get to do that. Arya was going for three whole years.

I felt him stroking my hair and that made me smile. We remained in that embrace for a really long time. I didn't care if people at the airport stared at me. They weren't the one who was going to be away from their love for three whole years.

When Arya pulled back, I realized that it was time for him to leave.

" Give me that big smile of yours that I love before I leave, he said, holding my hand. " I need to see you happy."

I smiled widely but I still felt that it didn't reach my eyes. Then I hurriedly wiped my tears  and said " Go achieve your dreams Arya. I want you to be the best Orthodontist ever."

" Definitely. And I will text you as soon as I reach. Take care. Love you."

" Love you too."

He gave me a quick hug for one last time and a long look and a smile before he turned his back and left me standing there, staring at him.

I willed him with my mind to look back at me one last time. He did. He waved his hand and grinned before he disappeared towards security.

I turned around and walked back to the entrance, trying to smile, thinking of the fact that my boyfriend was such a sweetheart and an achiever.
I soon joined his parents, who were waiting for me. They looked at me anxiously, trying to deduce the expressions on my face. Were they worried that I would be sad? I definitely felt like a small part of my heart had flown along with him but I could maintain my poise. After all, we had phones for a reason. Aru then gave me this look that said ' You're telling me everything when we reach home' and I brushed her off, ignoring her. She's wasn't going to get it out of my mouth that easily.

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