Chapter 2 - Tears and childhood

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* time skip*
Stampy's POV
When I woke up I wasn't sure what time it was. I were still on that park bench with Squaishy laying on my chest. There were still tear stains on her face where she had been crying. I tried to wake her up but she kept moaning and trying to stay asleep.

So I ended up having to carry her bridal style all the way back to my house where I lived with David ( squid ). Just as I was walking into the apartment building that me and squid lived in, I got a call from squid asking where I am. I said that I was walking into the building now and that I would be up in a minute. When I got up there and walked into the apartment. I almost forgot that Squaishy was still in my arms. I had just realized that I didn't even tell squid that I was going out with Squaishy. So when he saw me he was shocked that I was holding Squaishy in my arms.

                            Squids POV
When Stampy walked in the apartment I was actually confused because he walked in and with a girl I had never met before, I think. Her face was pressed up against Stampy's chest. Then Stampy walked over to the couch and placed her down. Then suddenly Stampy wanted to talk to me, so I followed.

                       Squaishy's POV
I was half asleep and not sure where I am. Then all of a sudden I heard Stampy's voice talking to someone I don't recognize. So I just listened to them talking. . . " Why didn't you tell me that you met someone." Squid asked. Stampy didn't answer. " Who is she? What is her name? When did you two meet?" I could tell that Stampy was getting overflowed with questions. So I suddenly opened my eyes and got up off the couch and walked down the hall and found my own way to the bathroom. I did walk right passed Joe and David. I am surprised that they didn't see me.

Stampy's POV
Squid was asking sooo many questions that I couldn't count. I suddenly just yelled "STOP!!!!!" Then squid stopped. I am surprised that it worked actually." I'm sorry!" squid said." Why didn't you tell me? That's all I'm trying to say." So I decided to speak." Sorry! I forgot to tell you. I was planning to but then I just forgot." I said." It's ok. Why don't we go out and talk to her if she isn't still sleeping." I nodded my head. When we got out there she wasn't even there." Where's Squaishy." Squid said. That's when I heard the bathroom door open. She walked out.

                       Squaishy's POV
When I got out of the bathroom I saw Stampy and I think his friend looking relieved that I was here." Squaishy, I thought you left." Stampy said." No I just went to the bathroom." I didn't mention that I heard them talking earlier." Ummm . . . Oh this is David." Stampy said looking confused." Hi" I said." Hi so I'm guessing you are Squaishy." " Yea" I said. Then suddenly I heard a knock at the door. Stampy went to open it. When I saw who it was I thought I would never see him again." Um, who are you." Stampy said. He was dressed in a uniform for the pizza place." Jimmy?" I said." You know him?" Squid asked. " yea we grew up together." I said." Beth? Is that you?" He said looking really surprised. " I thought I would never see you again." He said." Why are you here?" I asked." I am just here to deliver the pizza and he ordered."

                    David's POV
" I just thought that maybe when Stampy came home we could have a pizza together." Stampy just stood there looking confused." Stamps are you okay?" He still just stood there. Then I realized that I have to still pay for the pizza so I just said . . . " So umm should I pay for the pizza? I asked nervously." Oh yea." The person named Jimmy said. When he left we all just sat on the couch in silence until Stampy finally spoke up." I think we should go to bed now." I agreed with him.

                    Squaishy's POV
" Where am I going to sleep." I said nervously." You can sleep with me." Stampy said. So I agreed. We all went in the rooms and got into our pajamas except for me because I don't have any pajamas. Stampy lent me his long shirt to wear to bed. When I actually got to bed with Stampy I turned to face him and our eyes locked and he got closer. Then all of a sudden he cuddled up next to me and he whispered the words . . . " I love you!" After those words I fell asleep in his arms and said I love you back.
I was in a dark room that looked familiar to me. I realized that I was in my parents basement and I could hear them from across the room yelling at me.
Dad: You son of a B***ch why did you do that?
I didn't know what that is
Mom: You are going to die and I don't give a F*** what you say or think. Then they started to get closer to me with a knife in their hands and it looked like they were going to stab me.
                            *Dream over *
I woke up screaming and I was still in Stampy's arms. Then he woke up and asked me what was wrong.
Hope you enjoy!!!!!!

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