Chapter 4 - The day after - SUPRISE

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Stampy's POV
I could feel Squaishy still on top of me from last night. Her arms were wrapped around me and her legs were over mine. I couldn't move over but I didn't care. I was still trying to fall back asleep. Then i did.
                            * time skip*
                      Squaishy's POV
I woke up to see that it was already 11:00 o'clock in the morning. Stampy was still in bed with me as usual with his arms wrapped around me. Then I realized that yesterday we kissed. That just made this day more occward for us, well for me anyway. I got up and got dressed and suddenly realized that I haven't seen my parents in a long time now. I ran away when I was 8. I didn't even want to see them again. They used to always abuse me when I was a kid. I am 17 now.
                          *13 years ago*
                          *4 years old*
I was playing in the backyard with my dolls and suddenly my mom and dad came outside and started hitting me and I didn't know why. It hurt so much that I started to scream and cry. That just made it worse. They started to grab me by the arms and pull me in the house and down into the basement and locked me in for the rest of the night and with no food at all.
                      *Present time*
That was the worst experience in my life. Then I sat down on the couch and started crying. Then Stampy came out into the living room and saw me crying." SQASHIEY, are you okay. What's wrong." Stampy said sounding concerned." Nothing." I lied. Stampy gave me one of those faces like no your not okay something is wrong. So I decided to tell him." Well, fine I'll tell you. When I was only 4 years old I was outside playing with my dolls and then I saw my parents coming outside with angry looks on their faces. I didn't know why though. Then they suddenly started hitting me hard before I started crying and screaming. They pulled me in the house and into the basement for the rest of the night with no food at all. I ran away when I was 8 and found a orphanage and went in. They took me in and I never got adopted. Now I have my own apartment close to yours actually." I cried even more. Stampy had a shocking look on his face." Sqa . . . Sqa . . . Sqaishy why haven't you ever told me." He said pausing a couple times."I . . . I don't know." I said.

Stampy's POV
When she told me that story I was very shocked actually. I am surprised she got beaten up as a child." Don't worry Squaishy I won't let anybody hurt you." That's when I she fell asleep in my lap. I carried her all the way through the hallway and into the bedroom. I kissed her on the cheek and left the room. I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was my sister Netty." Hi Netty how are you? I asked excitedly." Hi Stampy I heard that you met someone." She said." Um yea where did you hear that." I asked." Squid told me." I laughed.

                        Netty's POV
( You didn't see that              coming )
" So can I come in?" I asked." Oh yeah you can." Stampy said hesitating. Can I see the girl, but first what is her name?" I asked." Oh her name is Beth but we call her Squaishy. But you can't see her just yet she is sleeping in my bed." Stampy said. Suddenly I heard my bedroom door open and Squaishy walked out." Hi Stampy, who is this? She asked." Oh this is my sister Netty." Stampy said." So you must be Squaishy." I said excitedly.

                         Squaishy's POV
" Yea." I said. I suddenly felt dizzy and I felt like I was going to fall over. After I said that the room suddenly became dark.
                      Stampy's POV
I couldn't believe what just happened. Squaishy just fell over. I went over to her and picked her up and told Netty to get the phone and call 911.
                        *time skip*
Sqashiey's POV
I woke up and I could see that I was laying on a white bed with beeping sounds next to me. I saw a button and pressed it. A nurse just suddenly ran in here quickly and was glad to see that I was awake." What happened." I asked feeling weak." Well you have been asleep for two months now and you were in a coma. But it turns out that you will be getting out of here in a couple days. Oh and I forgot to mention something, your 1 month pregnant." She said sounding excited." Where's Joe can I see him." I asked nervously." Yes you can. I will go get him." She said.

Stampy's POV
The nurse came out to me and said she was awake. I immediately ran into the room and saw her with a worried look on her face." Stampy, did you know that I was pregnant." She asked. When she said that i didn't know about her being, well you know." WHAT NO I didn't know." How could they not tell me that." Hey Squaishy, by the way the whole MAC is here too. Do you want to see them." I asked." Yes, please." I said.
" Ok I will get them."

Squaishy's POV
They all came in here at once and Amy and Rosie were both crying at one point. I wondered what is would be like having another person in the house . . .
Sorry so much stuff happened in this chapter so umm . . .
HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!

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