Chapter 3 - The Kiss

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Stampy's POV
All of a sudden I woke up with Squaishy is my arms screaming." Squaishy what's wrong?" I asked." I . . . I . . . just had a bad dream. Th . . . That's all." Squaishy said with fear in her eyes. I started to get closer to her as she put her head on my shoulder. We suddenly fell asleep.
*time skip*
Squaishy's POV
I woke up in the same position that I was in when I fell asleep last night. My head was still on Stampy's shoulder and he was still cuddled up next to me."Stampy?" I said." Yea, what's wrong." He said." How long have we been asleep?" " Umm . . . It is already 10:30." So I started to get up and got my own clothes on in the bathroom. Stampy was still in bed when I got back into the room. I asked if he was ever going to get up. But he just laughed in his sleep. I didn't know if he was laughing at what I said or just sleep laughing.

                       Stampy's POV
I opened my eyes slightly to see that Squaishy was not in the bed with me anymore I almost freaked out when I heard her in the other room I think recording a video. So I decided to get up and get dressed. I went out in the living room and saw that Squaishy was making a vlog. I came into the kitchen and put the kettle on and waited for it to be ready. Then suddenly Squaishy called me over there." Stampy come here." I heard her say." Um ok" I said. I started to walk over there and sat down next to her on the couch." Well, Stampy it looks like you just got up." Laughed Squaishy." Yea." I said while yawning. I realized that I had really messy hair. Squaishy rubbed her hand through my hair while laughing at me. Then she said that is all the time we have today and ended the video. After she ended the video the tea was ready. So I went to go in the kitchen and got me and Squaishy each a cup of tea. Squid then came out into the living room and said good morning to both of us.

                      Squids POV
I walked into the living room and saw Stampy and Squaishy. They were both sitting at the table drinking their tea. So I decided to get some too. We all sat down at the table in silence. Then Stampy suddenly spoke up." I don't feel so good." He stood up and ran into the bathroom and I could hear him starting to puke in the toilet.

                         Stampy's POV
I felt like I was going to throw up. So I said that I am not feeling well and got up and started running to the bathroom. When I got in there I started throwing up furiously. I heard someone  knocking at the door. I kept being sick, it felt like more was coming. Then the knocking started to get louder. I could hear yelling. It was David." STAMPY ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE?" Screamed Squid. I responded with more throwing up. Then I realized that I left the door unlocked. He made his way in here and helped me out. After a few minutes I felt okay. I had the taste of puke in my mouth." I think I need to go lay down." I said struggling to get up." Squaishy is still in the living room if you want to talk to her." He asked. When I got up and went in my bedroom I first grabbed a cup of water to wash the taste down and I could hear Squaishy crying in the living room. I decided to go out there and sit down next to her." Squaishy are you okay." I asked her while getting closer. Squid left the room. Then suddenly Squaishy looked up at me and I looked at her. Our eyes locked and before I new it her lips touched mine and mine touched hers. We kissed!

Squaishy's POV
I new that Stampy still had that horrible taste in his mouth but I didn't even care. We stayed like this for about five minutes and then we let go. Then after that kiss i snuggled up next to Stampy and he snuggled up next to me. And before I new it we fell asleep like this.

Squid's POV
I walked out into the living room and saw that Stampy and Squaishy were snuggled up together sleeping peacefully. So I just got into bed and fell asleep.
Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!

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