Chapter 8 - LABOR?!?!

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Sqashiey's POV
I woke up to a really sharp pain in the bottom of my stomach. I couldn't get up. I slept on the couch last night after I got home." STAAAMPY!!!" I screamed for him. Just then he came running down the stairs and into the living room." SQASHIEY, WHAT HAPPENED!" He looked worried.

" I . . . I think I am going into la . . . Labor!" I said in so much pain." WHAT! RIGHT NOW!" " I'm sorry Stampy!" I said sounding sad." It's ok. Now, we need to get you to the hospital Now."

He helped me get into the car and he drove me to the hospital. I suddenly felt uneasy.
" St . . . St . . . Stampy!" Then everything went black.

Stampy's POV
" O. MY. GOD. SQASHIEY, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I asked her knowing she wouldn't answer. I eventually got inside and told the hospital people that she was going into labor and that she blacked out. ( I don't know what the hospital people are called!!!😹)

They wheeled her into the room and then I couldn't see her anymore. I walked into the waiting room and passing back and forth. I eventually sat down on the chair and started to cry.
People were staring but I didn't care.
I just ignored them.

I started to hear screaming coming from the other room. I knew it was Sqashiey. I started passing back and forth even faster now while crying.

People were starting to whisper and point at me.
I still ignored them.
Then suddenly a nurse came out into the waiting room and asked me a question." Are you the father of Bethany Bates's baby?" She said." Y... Yes!" I managed to spit out. Then she just walked out of the room and walked back in.

That was weird!

I suddenly heard the screaming stop from the other room.
A nurse came into the room and asked me if I wanted to see my little baby.
I walked into the room where I found Sqashiey sleeping. She must be tired.
After all, she did just push a baby out of herself.

I walked over to her and the baby and realized that we had a girl.
I didn't want to name the baby until Sqashiey woke up.

I decided to call the whole MAC!
They all picked up right away.

🐙 - " Hey Stamps how's it going with Sqashiey?!?!"
I had just realized that I hadn't told the MAC that Sqashiey was pregnant.
🐱 - Um, well. I need to tell you guys something.
🐧 - What is it Stampy?
💟 - Yea, you can tell us anything!
🐱 - Um well, ok... Remember when I Sqashiey was in the hospital and she was in a coma.
🐙 - Ya!
🐱 - Well, um, how do I put this?
Um, Sqashiey is pregnant!
🐙 - WHAT?!?!
🐱 - Well, not anymore, she just had a baby girl!
💟 - THATS AMAZING!!!!!!!!
🐧 - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🐙 - Why haven't you told us before?!?!
🐱 - Well, I can't really explain it all on the phone. Maybe you could come over to my house later on.
👑 - See you later!
👑🐧🐙💟 - BYE!!!!!
🐱 - BYE!!!!!

With that I hung up.
" Stampy!" I heard Sqashiey wake up." Sqashiey, your awake!" I said." I have been for a while now." She said." Oh, you have... What have you heard?" I said." What do you mean, I haven't heard anything." I sighed in relief." Ok" I said." Why do you ask?!?!" She said sounding concerned." Never mind!" " Ok"

Sqashiey's POV
That was weird! After I left the hospital. We got in the car and drove home... With the baby of course." Beth?" Stampy said." Yea? What's up?" Then he just leaned toward me and kissed me right there." What was that for?" I asked him." Just because I love you!" He said." Awwwww, Thank you Stampy!"

Then when we got home I still felt a little weak from the baby. So Stampy helped me up the stairs.

We were about to open the door I realized that I left my phone in the car." Stampy? I asked." Yea?" " I think I left my phone in the car." I said." I'll go get it." He said." Thank you!" " Your welcome!" He said.

When he got back up here with my phone he got the keys out of his pocket and opened the door.

" SURPRISE!!!!!!!" We were greeted by Squid, Nicole, Amy, Lee, Netty, Finnball, Rosie, and Tom." Awwww guys you didn't have to do that for us." I said." Yes we did!" Amy said." Thank you!!!" Stampy said." And who is this little cutie?" Netty said pointing to the baby." This is... " I said not thinking." Did you forget to name the baby?" Rosie asked." Uh, yea." I said feeling very embarrassed." Well why don't we name her then!" " Ok"

Hey guys can you give me baby girl name ideas. Put it in the comments! If you have any!

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