Chapter 6 - " ITS ALL MY FAULT."

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Stampy's POV
" AHHHHH . . . IT HURTS SO MUUCH." I screamed even louder then they suddenly popped a pill into my mouth and I fell asleep.

Sqashiey's POV
I heard a scream from the other room, IT WAS STAMPY!!! " excuse me, nurse?" I said." Yes Beth?" She asked me." Who is that screaming in the other room?" " Oh, someone was found outside bleeding heavily so they brought him in." She said." I meant WHO is he." I was getting a bad feeling about this." Oh, um his name is Joseph Garret." I suddenly burst into tears when I heard that." Beth what's wrong." The nurse asks me." HE IS MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!" I suddenly screamed at her. Then all of a sudden the screaming stopped." Don't worry about it they are doing surgery on him right now and they gave him a sleeping pill." I was still worried about him.
*Time skip*
Joseph's POV
I woke up to the sound of someone crying. I looked up to see that it was Sqaishey. She had her head on my lap sobbing like mad. I heard her start to say curse words. I weakly said her name." Sqashiey?" She looked up at me and kissed me. I kissed back. When we let go I saw that her stomach had grown." St . . . St . . . Stampy." She shuddered." You . . . You have been asleep for 5 months now, I . . . I thought you would never wake up." She managed to say." WHAT?" When I said that I felt a sharp pain in my throat." Can . . . can you call the doctors in here." She said yes and started to get up and bring them in here. They came in the room they started to do some sort of operation on me. I suddenly fell asleep.

Sqaishey's POV
I was sobbing my eyes out and started cursing out loud. Then I suddenly heard Joseph weakly say my name. I saw his eyes go wide and looking down at my stomach." St . . . St . . . Stampy." I shuddered." You . . . You have been asleep for 5 months now. I . . . I thought you would never wake up." I managed to say. He suddenly made me me jump by saying . . ." WHAT?" Then he weakly said . . ." Can . . . can you call the doctors in here." I said yes and the doctors told me they had to do operations on him and I had to get out of the room. I decided to call up Netty and Amy and Squid over to have company. They came over a few minutes later as I started to cry. They all sat next to me and comforted me by hugging me. We decided to go back to the apartment where I lived with Stampy and Squid. As soon as we got home I went upstairs into my and Stampy's room, slammed the door, and dropped onto the bed and sobbed even more." IT . . . IT IS ALL MY FAULT! IF I HADN 'T OF GOTTEN PREGNANT IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN NONE OF THIS WOULD EVER HAVE HAPPENED! AAAAHHH!" I suddenly heard a knock at my door and it was Amy. I let her in and hid under my covers." Listen Sqaishey, it is not your fault and you know that." I didn't answer. That's when she pulled the covers off of me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and sobbed even more. Then she let go and said." Sqashiey, we are all worried about Stampy and you. Don't worry about Stampy I am sure he is being taken care of very well." Then I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I got out of bed and went up to the door to find my brother. He stood out their staring at me and coming up to hug me." Beth, I need to talk to you." He said. I let him in and sit me down on the couch and started to speak." Beth . . . I was the one who got Joseph in the hospital. I am so sorry." After he said those words I picked my hand up and slapped him in the face and sobbed even more." HOW . . . HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING!" I screamed at him. He suddenly got up and ran out the door. I fell back on the couch and cried even more. Netty, Amy, and Squid saw me sobbing and walked over to me." Who was at the door?" Netty asked." It . . . It was my . . . my . . . brother. He . . . he . . . said he was the one responsible for St . . . St . . . Stampy being in the hospital. I HATE HIM!!!!" I screamed." Don't worry we will call the police on him." Squid said sounding worried. I wanted to kill him for what he did. But I knew that I would be put in prison for murder. Then Squid walked over to the telephone and called 911. I just sat back on the couch crying with Netty and Amy hugging me and trying to calm me down. They managed to calm me down and try to make sure I was okay. But I wasn't and they knew I wasn't.

Stampy's POV
I woke up feeling a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to it to see that there were all kinds of things sticking out of it. There was a button next to my bed and I managed to reach out for it. When I pressed it some doctors and nurses came into my room and asked me a hole load of questions. I didn't answer any of them." When can I leave this stupid hospital." I asked with a tone in my voice." You get out tomorrow but you have to stay for one more night just to be sure." Then all of the nurses all left the room when I heard a familiar voice. It was my mum. They let her into the room and she was crying. I asked her what is wrong and she said that she was really upset that I was in the hospital. To be honest I haven't seen my mum in a long time. Last time I saw her was 3 years ago. That was when I moved out into the apartment with Squid." I missed you mum." " I miss you too!" That's when she came up to me and gave me a massive hug. I hugged back then i saw someone else standing by the door. It was Sqashiey!" Sqaishey what are you doing here." I asked feeling weak. Then I realized that my mum had never met her before. She didn't answer and she just came up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips right in front of my mum. When we eventually let go my mum had a confused look on her face." Stampy, who is this?" She asked." Oh this is my girlfriend Sqashiey." I said. It felt weird saying that she was my girlfriend. Then I saw Sqashiey start to look dizzy. All of a sudden out of know where Sqashiey just fainted right in front of my eyes and I immediately broke free from all of those cords that I was attached to and pick Sqashiey up in my arms. I then put her on my bed and kissed her hoping she will wake up. But I knew that was only in fairytales." SQAISHEY . . . PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!" Then my mum went immediately to get the doctors. They all eventually came in and took her away.

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