Chapter 7 - " I'm never going to leave you!"

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                      Sqashiey's POV
I didn't know what was going on. I could hear voices. I felt like someone was in the room with me. But I couldn't make out who it was. It was know one I recognized. I managed to open my eyes to see who it was. I couldn't believe it, it was MY FARTHER. I nearly screamed when I heard someone else in the room too. It was . . . STAMPY! This time I did  scream. Apparently my farther did hear me this time because he picked me up and threw me across the room and into the wall. I felt so much pain I couldn't breathe. I was struggling to breathe. Then all I saw was black!!!

                         Stampy's POV
" NOOO!!!" I screamed out. I couldn't believe that when we were at the hospital Sqashiey's dad came in and knocked her out. I thought she was going into labor. I wasn't sure what happened after that. I saw Sqashiey's dad came up to me and hit me and I tried to fight back but it was no use." YOU DON'T MOVE!" With that he left the room. I didn't listen to him. I pulled and pulled and I managed to get out of the chair. I guess he wasn't good at tying knots. I quietly but quickly ran over to Sqashiey and picked her up. She was actually pretty heavy with being pregnant. I ran and ran out of the house until I kept running. I made my way to the police station and told them the whole story. I told them the address and they were off. I also told them my address I case Sqashiey's dad followed us.

                        Sqashiey's POV
I had awoken by someone crying. I looked up and it was Stampy." St . . . Stampy?" I said hesitating a little bit." Sq . . . Sq . . . Sqashiey, YOUR AWAKE!" He screamed. Then he came up to me and kissed me on the lips." What happened." I asked him." You . . . You got thr . . . Thrown across the room by your dad and . . . and I . . . I ran to the police station with you in my arms and told them the whole story of what happened. They . . . They are on their way now to arrest him!" He said. He just said something I never thought he would say in his whole life." Hey um Sqashiey, do you maybe want to sing for me?" He had a worried look on his face." Sure! Have any suggestions?" Just then he started singing the song never going to leave you by Adele. I joined in with him.
( You can listen to the song whenever you want in this chapter!)

                      Stampy's POV
After we finished the song. I cuddled up next to her and kissed her as we fell asleep.
Sorry this chapter is so short! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!
I have been having writers block for the passed week and I am telling you, IT SUCKS!!!!

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