Chapter 5 - More and more Hospitals visits!!!

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                     Stampy's POV
I brought Amy and Rosie and squid and finnball in there and it had looked like Amy and Rosie were crying before. To be honest I have been crying a little bit myself. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Squaishy saw it. She got up and hugged me and I hugged her back.

                    Sqaishey's POV
Stampy was crying and I new why." Stampy, I love you so much." I said." I love you too." Then he kissed me on the lips. I kissed back." Awwwwww!!" We heard everybody say. Then I just smiled at them and fell asleep smiling and remembering all the good times we had.
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*time skip*
I woke up to see that the MAC was gone and Stampy was still here. He must've fallen asleep. He looked cute that way.
                    Stampy's POV
When I woke up I could see a nurse coming in to check on Sqashiey. I heard her trying to wake me up. I suddenly jumped up and she told me that the doctors need to do some testing on her and that I had to leave. I got up and left and not knowing what I was pacing the room for. I heard a scream coming from the other room." What are they doing to her." I whispered to myself. The nurse came out to me and told me that they are doing some testing on her and she was just having little shocks every few seconds. And it will be over soon. When she left I started pacing around the room even more and I actually went outside and hit the wall that I was so scared. I suddenly saw a car pull up. Then I saw a man come out. I just realized that it was the pizza guy that grew up with Squaishy, I think it was Jimmy, maybe. I started to walk up to the car and asked him what he was doing here." Um . . . Jimmy I think your name was . . . what are you doing here." I said." I'll explain later, bow where's Beth. Oh she is getting testing done." I said sounding confused." Listen, can we talk?" He asked me." Um sure!" I said. He led me over to the bench and we sat down." Umm . . . Well how do I put this. I AM SQASHIEY'S BROTHER!!!"He shouted at me." What?" I said sounding shocked." I left her when I was 19. I was stupid then. I haven't seen her in 9 years." I started to give him a dirty look." I need to go see her." He said sounding urgent." Wait . . . There is something I need to tell you first." " Yea, what is it?" He asked me." Ummmm . . . . . . . well, Sqashiey is pregnant!" I said." WHAT THE F***K. DID YOU DO THIS TO HER." Well, yes but we were just playing around and I didn't know that would happen." He pushed me against the wall and started to smash my head in. Blood started to spill out of my head. I fell to the ground and he ran away. I screamed out so loud that a nurse came out and took me in the hospital." AHHHHH . . ." I screamed. I felt like someone just put a skew driver in my head. It hurts so much. I was brought into an hospital room and I fell asleep.

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