The Heir Of The Heartfilias

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Cries of my baby daughter filled the maternity room. I held out my arms, waiting for her. The nurse passed her over with a smile. "Your father and I decided your name will be Lilly. Lily Heartfilia." I inform my daughter.

She keeps crying, which made me think that she didn't like the name. "Perhaps you like Lucy?" I ask. She stopped crying and stared at me with her big, brown eyes. "Fine then. Your name will be Lucy!" I laugh.

Then Jude, my husband, walked in. "Wow, she looks just like you!" I giggle. "Hey!" He whines with a smile. "Can I?" He asks."Yes, but be careful, I don't want you hurting her." I answer.

"Yes Layla." He says. I pass my newborn daughter to her dad, and she obviously felt the difference. She started crying again, and the sad look on Jude's face made me laugh even more. "Haha, I guess all babies don't like you!" He frowns. "Aww, that's sad."

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