Kinana and Juvia

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"So you're Kinana, and you're Juvia Lockser?" I ask. Levy and I were heading to the Dining Room (as they call it). Levy introduced me to her friends and they were great.

Juvia had blue hair and blue eyes, she wore winter clothes which looked really nice on her. Kinana had short purple hair and she wore a green dress.

Luckily, we all had the same timetables except for one subject, mine being Celestial Magic, Kinana's being Magic Intensifying, Juvia's being Water Magic and Levy's being Script Magic.

"Juvia loves your hair Lucy-san!" Juvia says. "Aww, thanks! I love your hair too!" I answer. "As for your question, yes, I'm Kinana and she's Juvia, hopefully we become close friends!" Kinana says. "I'm pretty sure we will!"

"Alright listen up everybody, Gray and I have a new game! Whoever catches the most roses wins!" Some kid stood up on his chair and shouted across the room. "That's Natsu, he's one of the Playboys." Kinana informs.

Natsu has spiky hair, which was quite long. It sat just on his shoulders, and his hair was quite thick. It was salmon pink, and Natsu's eyes were onyx. He wore a vest that had one sleeve, and it was edged in orange.

He had a collar which stood up and was halfway up his cheeks. He wore a belt, and the best reached down to his knees. So maybe it wasn't a vest. Maybe it was a short cloak. Hehehe. Anyway, he wore grey baggy pants and black sandals.

Wow, that sounded lame. The thing that stood out to me the most was actually his scaly white scarf. It reminded me of one of my old friends.

"Playboys?!" I ask with surprise. "Yeah, almost all the boys here are Playboys." Levy rolls her eyes. "But Gray-sama only has eyes for me!" Juvia says with visible hearts in her eyes. "Well, that isn't really the case." Kinana giggles.

"Why?" I inquire. "Gray's a Player, just like all of them." Levy replies. "So is that what they focus on? Using girls then discarding them?" I wasn't sure how I should've felt, sad? Hurt? Angry?

"Yes, and Juvia is ashamed of being part of their wretched game. Even though she'd love to be with Gray-sama!"
"What game?" Levy-chan gave me a look. "Juvia means by their most newest game, which Natsu just said."

"Why the hell should we play their games?"  I ask. "We all have to contribute, otherwise the Players are gonna make your life a misery." Levy's eyes were full of hurt, which made me think that she'd gone through it herself.

I decided I knew what emotion to feel. Hot anger shot through me, no one deserves to be treated like that! "They make you life a living hell. They'll give you a nickname, get the rest of the school to keep using it and they play horrible pranks on you."

"They also 'lose' your stuff and set you up for things you'd never do." Kinana says. "Juvia has also seen a few girls who were tormented about their pasts." Juvia shakes her head. "Can I go slap his grin right off his face?" I ask with hatred.

"No no no no no no no! Leave them be, Leave them be! Kagura once stood up to them, and, well, they got her expelled." Levy says quickly. Well that statement made me more furious. "How do the teachers let this pass?!"

"The teachers here have learned in this school as well, it happened to them, it happens to us." Levy-chan shrugs.

"I seriously want to kick him where the sun doesn't shine." I couldn't help myself, I laughed. It might have sounded evil. Might have. "Aye!" They answer, laughing with me. "Where's Mira?" I ask, searching. "She's always busy helping Master because she's Second In Command." Juvia answers. "Wow, that's pretty cool!"

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