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I'm suddenly brought back to consciousness, I'd fallen off the couch onto something. It was a guy ? His face was unfamiliar to me , completely unrecognisable . I get off him promptly , careful not to disrupt his sleep more than I already had. My eyes glance around my apartment, landing on empty bottle after empty bottle. From what I can recall, last night was crazy. The only thing I remember was asking Castiel round and then a herd of other people arriving, some with beer. And some with- Vodka? I frown as I pick a bottle different to the others up.

But who was the guy on the floor, currently fast asleep, despite being sat on by me? Oh well. He was pretty cute if I'm being completely honest.

I stumble through my apartment, My head hurting and my stomach rumbling. It looked like we were the only ones here.

I suddenly become aware of a smell, I set to work trying to find out its source, only to discover, it was me .Well, I think breakfast can wait. I head to my bathroom and close the door behind me, starting to wash my hands in the sink. I look into the mirror , my hair is all over, there's something at the corners of my mouth, and heavy bags hang under my eyes.

I slowly take off my clothes and turn on the water. My head starts to pound and I instantly regretted the few drinks I had last night. Stepping into the shower I let the cool sprays of water wake me up. I rub my face carefully and start shampooing my moose like hair . As I was doing this, my mind panned back to last night. I remember dancing , grinding with somebody ? Oh my god... I stop washing my hair and just stand there. Could my memories be playing tricks on me ? I'm not complaining but did that actually happen ?

I wanted to forget about that image, so I sang the first song that came to mind.

"Carry on my wayward son."

I was singing with my eyes closed , appreciating the water hitting my face . In fact I didn't realise someone else was here until they joined in singing with me .

I panic, poking my head around the shower curtain , only to see the back of the stranger I had left sleeping on the floor .

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" I demand .
He turns his head , his blue eyes locking with mine.
"I'm peeing sweetheart. Calm down I'll be out in a second. And by the way ; I love that song"
He quickly finished, zipped his pants and hummed the song we were singing earlier. He made his way to the sink, looking at me in the mirror.

"so" he glanced down, washing his hands "What happened last night ?"

"I-I don't know" I stammered, suddenly becoming extremely shy around him.

"I see" he dried his hands and made his way towards the door.

"Oh um hey !" I called after him "If you wait I can get you some breakfast."

"That'd be great thanks- um" He raised his eye brows questionably.

"Sam" I said "Sam Winchester."

"Thanks Sam then. I'm Lucifer" He smiled  before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. I'm left shocked , mostly at myself. I just had a stranger barge into my bathroom while I'm showering, AND I had a conversation with him.

I leave that thought behind, quickly finish washing, and step out of the shower. I dry off quickly , putting a towel around my waist and make my way to my bedroom. I get ready, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. Leaving my hair damp as I exit the room, finding Lucifer sat on the couch with his head in his hands. I leave him there, he probably dank A LOT more than me.

My stomach rumbles again and I remember what I got ready to do. The kitchen was filled with rubbish, bottles and just things slopped everywhere. I sigh . This is going to be fun to deal with. I manage to find a frying pan, and some bacon and eggs. I guess the people who came decided to eat everything but raw meat and eggs.

I put oil in the pan, followed by 4 eggs and 4 pieces of bacon. I then put some toast in the toaster, and wait.

Eventually they're ready , I put them on two plates and carry them to the table.

"Hey Lucifer" I called "I've got you some food."

I hear a groan as he stands up and makes his way to the table,

"Thanks sam. Sorry about this- ooo this smells great" He announces as he sits down and starts eating immediately.

I sit down across from him, and start with my bacon . Trying to avoid any awkward eye contact.

"So" Lucifer began "Where am I ?"He looked straight at me, and we both stopped eating.

I was taken aback by his question. He really couldn't remember ?

"You're - you're my apartment. Its um just across from the school"

"You go to that school ? what year are you in ?" He asked, with a mouth stuffed full with egg.

"Oh um year 11, I reply. I'm 16"

"Really ?! Me too I wonder why I haven't seen you before? I'll keep an eye out for you from now on" He said with a smirk.

"It is a big school but yeah ! I'll look out for you too." I smile. I like this guy.

We finished quickly, no one trying to fill the silence. He said a quick good bye and left.

I turned to face the cluttered kitchen. Well. This is how I'm going to spend my Saturday, scrubbing at messes that aren't even mine.

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