The end of this story

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I often find myself laid awake at night, wondering what on earth Lucifer could like about me. What could such an outgoing, talented yet gentle person see in me? I try to blank out any thoughts like this, but some still seep through and get to me.

It's been about 2 weeks since christmas, just thinking about that day brings a smile to my face.

Lucifer 'made plans with me' which basically consists of me meeting him today at 10am at his house, so that we can go somewhere. I think this counts as a date? This all happened too fast, almost a blur.One moment I'm giddy at the thought of Lucifer and the next I'm anxious. All that remains the same is the butterfly feeling my stomach, sometimes they're fluttering around, others they're scratching and itching to get out.

I turn over onto my side, my slightly illuminated alarm clock reads "2:38am"

I guess I should try and sleep before meeting Luci.

The light seeping in through my blinds woke me up gently, and I yawned, wanting nothing more than to curl back under the covers, but I knew I needed to get out of bed.

After I reluctantly got up, showered and got dressed in my usual plaid shirt and jeans, I was ready to leave my apartment. At 9:30 I locked the door, and set on a trek to meet Lucifer.

Walking along the narrow, concrete sidewalk, my mind begins to wander. I have no idea what lucifer has planned, I haven't really spoken to him properly for the past couple days, and if that wasn't enough the butterflies in my stomach were bad enough to make me want to vomit.

I arrived at lucifer's house in less that 15 minutes, thanks to my long legs. Just as I was about to turn up his drive I was pleased to see lucifer jogging down to meet me, where I was greeted with a quick peck on the lips merged into a bear hug, his hands clinging to my back.

We exchanged hellos as I released him from my embrace, immediately I noticed the large bag on his back and I asked him what it was for.

"You'll see when we get where we're going." A smirk crossed his lips and the butterflies in my stomach intensified.

He turned and started walking up his drive, caught by surprise, I leaped after him, asking him where we were going.

"Have you ever been in the forest, The one up there?" He motioned with his hand to a large group of tightly packed trees, sitting atop of a hill with several jagged rocks sticking out of it.

I nod my head no, I know Dean was a big fan of the place. My older brother visited it a lot, accompanied by several different girls and eventually just Castiel.

"Well, I hope I make an okay guide."

Going through small snippets and open fields, we eventually came to the bottom of the hill. It wasn't as steep as it appeared from far away.

Dropping back from the lead Lucifer came to my side and held my hand as we strolled along the path. The firmness of his grip and the occasional brush of our shoulders sent the butterflies in my stomach in all directions, and the colour of my cheeks a light crimson.

The start of our walk was mostly filled with a comfortable silence, as though the contact of our hands was all the communication needed. Gradually the conversation picked up, first about school, where I found out how much Lucifer was struggling with certain subjects, something I'd never experienced before. Before I knew it, we'd somehow got onto the topic of sports, a subject I couldn't offer much input to, but I enjoyed watching Lucifer talk about something he was so passionate about, the way his eyes lit up and how bubbly his voice got.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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