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With our stomachs full and the pans and dishes cleaned, we sat curled together on the couch. Both Lucifers and I's hair damp from the small water fight that occurred while we washed up, just the thought of it brought a smile to my face. We flicked through the TV channels, appalled by the number of christmas tv shows on in November. We sat cuddled together, watching the christmas specials and laughing at the bad jokes. With Lucifer leaning on me, my heart seemed to skip a beat and a feeling of bliss washed over me every time he laughed.

Eventually, we both grew tired and knew it was time to go to bed. Turning the TV off we stumbled towards my bedroom to get ready for bed. For the both of us, this consisted of stripping down to our boxers and jumping under the covers of my springy, king sized bed.

Almost immediately someones arms slithered around my uncovered waist, their body pressed against mine. Had it been anybody other than Luci, I would have more than likely turned around, asserting my dominance by claiming my position as the big spoon. But since it was the young blonde man I adored so fiercely I instead welcomed his embrace by curving my body into his and completely relaxing into him. His heart beat lulled me to sleep as I felt it beat against my back as if it were my own.

"Ugh Lucifer, get off me" I groaned, the light from the window had woken me up, but apparently not Luci. His slim arms were wrapped around my waist , his head snuggled into my back.

"Lucifer" I said much louder, "Wake up"

Still no response. I twisted around only for him to plunge his face into my bare chest and increase his grip on me.

"Sammmyyyyyy don't be so cold." He moaned

I gave up trying to pry him off me and relaxed into his embrace, curling round him, pulling him closer. My waist was thrown even closer to him as my arm curled around his head, stroking his hair.

"Sam?" His voice was quiet and sleepy.


"What time is it?"

"Umm," I opened my eyes, looking at the clock on the bedside table. "7- 7:34. We're gonna be late for school."

"Do we have to go today?" His voice was a low groan as he pushed away from me, gently leaving his hand on my bare waist, sending chills through my spine.

I thought it over for a moment, could we really afford to waste another school day? No. As much as I wanted to spend another day with Lucifer, we just couldn't afford to miss another day of school. Him more than me.

"Come on Sam," his puppy dog eyes mixed with a smirk were almost possible to disregard "Stay here with me."

I turned onto my back, telling Lucifer that we had to go today.

"But Saaam," His hand came to my chest, lingering there for a moment before his knee came over my stomach, straddling me.

"The answers still no Luci."

"Oh really?" His eyebrow cocked up and he ran his hands slowly down my chest while he leaned forward, inches away from me, his breath tickled my cheek.

"Oh god Lucifer. Your breath stinks" I turned on my side, coughing and spluttering, an extreme over reaction.

"Shut up Sam."

He towered over me, coming down in one fowl swoop he kissed me hard. His tongue slipped in and out of my mouth, rendering me speechless. I brought my hands to the back of his neck, urging him to continue. His hands traced slowly down my chest, I let out a moan before breaking into a giggle.

"You're so cute Lucifer"

"I am NOT cute"

I pulled him closer, digging my nails into his skin.

Reducing my voice to a husky growl I said "Prove it then."

I swear, in that moment his ears pricked up. He was back again, attacking me. His hands slipped even further down, tugging on the waistband of my boxers.

"No." I smiled, pulling his hands back up to my chest.

"Such a tease"

"Come back when you aren't as cute as Gabriel"

He rolled off of me, lying on his back next to me.

"You think Gabriel is cute?"

"Like a big puppy"

We both chuckled, it was true, Gabriel was just like a big puppy. But then again, so was Lucifer.

I stroked his cheek, "But he isn't as beautiful as you."

His cheeks burned against my touch.
"I'm a man Sam." He buried his face into the pillow.

"A beautiful man" I smiled, he really was quite beautiful. "A beautiful man that needs to get ready for school. I threw his clothes at him,picking mine up and scrambling into the bathroom.

After a shower that involved me shouting "Don't you dare open that door" that caused a grumble of inaudible words, and a quick breakfast being made, we were finally on our way to school.

Gabriel met us at the gate, offering a smirk and a wink as we were welcomed by Cas.

We inevitably got separated in the corridors, allowing Gabe to ask me about last night.

"So, anything happen last night?"

"Gabriel. I've been dating him for 3 days." I throw a look of exasperation at him,"But imagine two hormone-filled boys in the same room, sharing a bed"

I had just enough time to see his jaw drop and his eyes grow wide before we walked into class.

"You're joking." He shook his head.

"I wish I was."

"Everything okay Gabriel?" Lucifer appeared behind him, making him jump.

"Yes yes yes. I was just leaving" Gabriel stiffened up, awkwardly walking back to Cas.

"What was up with him? "

I laughed slightly, "I think you scare him."

Lucifers face upon hearing that was priceless, he was obviously offended. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, his eyes showed concern and his jaw locked. 

"Why would he be scared of me?" 

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