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It's been about a week since Lucifer required my assistance to deal with his hangover . Over the past few days he's slowly been merging into my group of friends, which now consists of him, Gabe and Cas. Of course Gabriel was mostly to thank for this happening so quickly.

Oh and yeah. Lucifer asked if he could maybe paint my portrait for his art homework which I of course had to say yes to; which is why I'm now stood outside of his house. A tiled winding drive way was sandwiched between colourful flowers and bushes but as I got closer to the house the size of it became prominent, I could barely see all of it without stepping back a few paces.
Eventually I came to terms with the sheer size of the building and I make my way to the door, ready to knock when it swings open , revealing Lucifer with a smile glued to his face.

"Sam! Thanks for coming, oh I don't know what I'd do without you. "

"Me neither"

"Oh Anyway , Come in."  He opened the door more , motioning me inside with a hand gesture. Ducking under the door frame I was welcomed into a vast hallway, a stairway was to my left and several doors and paintings dotted the wialls.

"Just give me a moment, you can make your way up to my room, first door on the left" By the time what he said sunk in, a door slammed at the end of the hall and I was left alone, deciding  to do what he said I made my up the polished stairs.  At the top  I was met by another hallway with pristine white doors, except the first which was a dull black with chips taken out of it. I opened the door, curious as to see what A room in this house looks like, but much to my disappointment it looked like the average 16 year old boys room, clothes on the floor, an unmade bed and posters covering the wall. Although some of the baseball posters looked very familiar, in fact I'm pretty sure one of Dean's 'girls' had some similar, with the tight pants and sharp jawlines.

What would he want with them ?

A movement at the end of the bed catches my attention, A small barred cage sits there with a fluffy white rodent moving around in it. Cautiously I go to have a better look at it, a fluffy guinea pig stares back at me, not even faltered by me it goes back to eating the leaves in its bowl. The fact Lucifer has a fluffy, white guinea pig in his room made me chuckle, god he is so adorable. 

"Agh Sam"

A sudden thud outside the door and a collection of pencils spilled into the room, making me to jump, avoiding the messes on the floor I get to the door, grinning at the sight of Lucifer led on his back with several art supplies scattered around and on him.

"Hey, you okay," I laugh, squatting next to his head.

A jumble of Groans escape his mouth before he rubs his head, covering his eyes briefly with his hands "Ah. Yeah, I just hope my pencils are okay."

I stand up as he begins to pick up the contents around him, giving him a hand we got all the stuff into his room in a surprisingly quick time. Ah, and now I guess he wants to draw me.

"So um where should I sit?"

"Oh anywhere you want- just give me a moment" He says, jumbling the items in his arm around.

Cautiously I sit on his bed, resting on the headboard. Within moments Lucifer was at the other end of the bed, legs crossed and smiling, obviously eager to draw me. With a pencil in his hand and a pad of paper in his lap he begins to speak;

"So- if it's okay I guess I'm going to get started, I don't know how long this will take but you can talk if you want"

A t first I was silent, watching Lucifer as he worked away; moving the pencil carefully across the paper, his jaw clenched in concentration. Soon I became comfortable with his common glances at me and I started talking to him, striking conversation about his room.

He pretty much apologised for how messy it was as soon as I brought this topic up, however I assured him it was fine. A ruffle at the end of the bed caught my attention . The guinea pig had somehow got onto the top of it's cage, and was looking directly at me.

"Ah Snowflake, come here" Lucifer set down his paper and took the guinea pig into his hands, setting it down in his lap.

"Snowflake?" I laugh.

" Shut up. I was 9!" He muttered, continuing to stroke the rodent nestled in his thighs. Leaning forward I began to pet snowflake, astounded by how soft she was, she felt like how a cloud looked.

Casting my gaze upwards, I slowly stopped petting snowflake. I was so close to lucifer, our eyes locked and all I could do was blush as i felt a pair of lips against my own.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long, Sam" he spoke, in a low rough voice.

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