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As I'm frying several eggs, I hear a frantic rush to the bathroom, Followed by retching. I turn off the gas and make my way to the bathroom. Gingerly I open the door , sighing as I see lucifer kneeling in front of the toilet . Why did he drink so much ?
"Hey, you okay ?"
He sticks his thumb up before jerking his head back to the toilet , unloading the contents of his stomach into it .

I walk back to my kitchen, filling a glass with water and eventually finding some aspirin . I yawn , exhausted from last night , I catch a glimpse of the clock on the wall. 10am . TEN AM. We've missed school - at least that means no math.

A slam of a door and footsteps direct my attention to the other side of the room. Lucifer's stood there , his face pale and eyes red. He stumbles towards the kitchen and I rush over, making him sit on a chair . I can't help but laugh in disbelief at how irresponsible he is .

I hand him the glass of water and the packet of aspirin , telling him how much to take and also lecturing him about drinking too much because now we've missed school .

Eventually I've coached him to drink the entire glass and take an aspirin, however I'm currently in the process of getting him led on the couch. Which wasn't the easiest, he barely co-operated but i knew he was trying as much as he could.

After five minutes of shuffling and Lucifer whining he's finally led on the couch under a blanket watching TV. I'm not even sure what he's watching but he doesn't seem to care. I head back to the kitchen to get him something to drink , picking a glass of water and a bottle of lucozade .

I make my way back to the living room , careful not to make too much noise. I pull up a coffee table besides Lucifer and place the beverages atop of it. He grunts , "Thankyou" or at least that's what I think he said, the quietness and roughness of his voice makes it almost inaudible. 

I leave Lucifer alone for a while, the soft blare of TV can be heard from where I'm sat in the kitchen. I decided to make a start on my essays for school, I had nothing better to do, and I didn't want to irritate Lucifer by sitting with him.

As I finish my first essay I glance to the bottom of my laptop screen , 12. I sigh , realising I was going to have to go out to get food. I stick on my shoes , the mud covered ones next to the door . I'm already wearing the clothes I spent yesterday and last night in. Could I look any worse ?? No.

I make my way into the living room, ignoring the reality TV that Lucifer is oh so interested in. I ask lucifer if he wants something to eat , He nods his head.

"What do you want ?"

"Hmm. McDonald's "

He doesn't even take his eyes off the screen . This spoiled prick I swear to god.

So right now I'm finally at McDonald's . I get a Big Mac and fries for the guy on my couch , but a salad for myself .

"LUCIFER" The door slammed behind me as I barge into my apartment. I kick my shoes off and take the bag of greasy food into my living room, only to find the man I'd left in this room wasn't curled up in there anymore.

Placing the bag on the coffee table I begin to call out Lucifer's name, only to get no response. Honestly, I go out to get him food, and I've taken care of him after his 10 beers in 4 hours or whatever it was; But he can't even stay on the freaking couch.

Oh well. Sighing I start to look around my apartment , starting in the bathroom. Nope. Just a stench of vomit clinging to the air and a towel shrewd on the floor.

I checked pretty much all my rooms before I found him, led on my kitchen floor. He was fine - but he didn't tell me how he ended up led lifelessly on tiles. Anyway I got him up , and he pretty much just walked back to my couch, sat down at one side, and started watching TV. Of course I sat at the other end of  the couch, and by now its worth mentioning I have a two seater couch.

Any way I got the food , Lucifer looking intently into the bag. I pull out his food, watching his eyes widen as I place it into his lap, a flood of thanks escape his mouth and he digs in. Oblivious to the fact he looked completely ridiculous stuffing his face with fast food. I smile to myself before eating my salad. Trying to strike conversation with Lucifer I bring up school. Asking him how he found it.

"Well" He said, in between bites of burger "I-I'm not too great in school if I'm honest. Art and PE are the only things at school I have good grades in" he chuckled looking me in the eyes. "I mean don't get me wrong, I know they aren't going to get me anywhere, my family lectures me on it all the time."

"Hey - no that's cool. What sports are your favourite ? "

I found out that Lucifer really enjoyed baseball, and that he enjoyed painting as it was a way for him to express himself. It felt good knowing he trusted me enough to tell me about his passions, to completely open up about his favourite things, being able to watch his eyes light up as he told me about what he liked the most.

In the midst of our conversation, Lucifer's head found its way to the nape of my neck and was now rested there, his body had shuffled over far enough so our thighs were touching and he was completely relaxed into me. I couldn't help but smile at how perfectly adorable he was. After a few moments of comfortable silence Lucifer began to speak:

"I'm sorry about today sam, and I'm sorry I didn't leave last night. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Hey no it's okay I'd have - "


Lucifer scrambled off me as Gabriel burst into my apartment, his cheeks glowing a light crimson.

"Sammyyyy why weren't you at school today" Gabriel whined as he entered the living room, pulling an approving face as he saw Lucifer.

"Oh. well I was looking after this guy." I smiled before placing my hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

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