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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I jolt upright, and turn my alarm off. I lay back down and breathe heavily, my alarm always makes me panic.

I kick my legs off the bed and gradually stand up. My back aches and my arms feel stiff. I let out a yawn, stretch my body, and start to get ready for school.

Over the past two days, I couldn't stop thinking about Lucifer. I really hope I get to see him today. I can't help but smile at the thought of him.

For breakfast I settled on toast, eating it as fast as I could.

At 8:30 I leave for school, It's just a short walk from my apartment too school, 5 minutes at most. When I arrive , my friend Gabriel is already there, stood talking to Cas. He notices me as I get closer.

"SAMMY!" He exclaimed a smile on his face. I couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm .

"Hi Gabriel !" I say, making my way towards Cas.

"Hey thanks for leaving a random kid at mine on Saturday !" I laugh.

"Oh don't worry about it ! Who was it again?" He said teasing me.

"Lucifer" I hide a smile, knowing he's here somewhere today.

"But Sam" Gabriel interrupted "Do you really not know him ? He's in almost ALL of our classes !"

"What? Really ? " I pull a puzzled face.

"Yep! He's in pretty much all of them. Oh and are you still on for tomorrow night ?"

What? I think . Pausing to think about what the hell he was talking about. GAMES NIGHT. That's what he's on about !

"Yeah ! Definitely. Just make sure you're at mine at 6" Gabriel's face lights up with happiness and I can't help but smile. He's always loved games nights.

"Hey am I invited ? " Cas laughs .

"Sure if you don't bring 20 other people" I say with a grin on my face.

"I think I can pick 15" Cas winked ,causing us all to sigh at his lame jokes.

These are my two best friends, Cas and Gabriel.

We said goodbye to Cas, and I'm now sat next to Gabriel in math. this is one of my worst lessons. Mainly because of the teacher , she sets so much useless homework .

"Hey Gabe" I whisper
"Yeah sammy?"
"Is lucifer in -"
"SAM WINCHESTER," my teacher stopped the lecture to shout at me , and everyone turns to look at me. And I saw him. Lucifer sat at the front , turned to face me , a smirk on his face. .My eyes don't stray from him until my teacher ends her little rant
"Oh um y-yes miss"
She goes back to teaching , and I glance back to Lucifer , his grin has just got bigger and I can't help but smile at him.
"Sammy, what were you asking earlier ?" Gabriel whispered
"Oh um it doesn't ma-"
"THATS IT come and sit at the front .somewhere I can keep an eye on you"
I stand up , looking down at Gabriel and he just laughs a little at me. Miss starts talking about math again and I make my way past tables carrying my bag and jacket in my hands.
I get to lucifer and plonk my bags down by the side of the empty seat next to him. He looks up smiling at me , I get lost in his blue eyes for a moment but quickly snap myself out of it.

I manage to awkwardly get my huge legs under the desk and eventually I'm sat comfortably . Lucifer turns to look at me and he smiles , whispering "hi"

I mouth "hi" back to him, careful not to get caught by Miss again. A large grin is still plastered to his face , I couldn't help but smile back.

Miss finishes her lecture, allowing us to talk quietly.

"I uh, I didn't expect to find you so quickly " I stammered.

"Yeah me neither. But I'm glad I found you"

I couldn't help but stare at his eyes, getting lost in the different shades of blue-

And then he starts laughing. Oh crap.

"Oh my god. I-I'm sorry"

"Hey, hey its okay." He lets out a sigh, smiling again "So. What are you doing after school?"

"Oh um Gabriel and Cas are coming round to mine actually" I start the work we had been set, jotting down numbers here and there. "You can come too if you want" OH my. what have I done.

"Oh yeah. I might do. What time ?"

"Around 6- ish" I keep my eyes on my work, not looking at him.

"Ah yeah I'll go then. Thanks Sam "

*tine skip like 5-10 minutes*

I glimpse at him and finally , he's doing his wor- or not. His paper was bare , aside from a few scribbles here and there .
I lean to my right , towards him .
"Hey um are you okay ?"
"Oh me ? Yeah yeah I'm just uh thinking"

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Oh really? " I smirk .  "Come here I'll show you how to do it"  I lean back to my own paper and show him the workings I'd made . As I'm explaining what to do , he gradually gets closer and closer . Soon his head was rested on my shoulder , a faint "yeah" coming from him every now and then .

Eventually I've  explained the entire sheet to him. His head was still leant on my shoulder , his lips in a pout. My face starts to feel warm, I look away from him, trying to stop my face burning up anymore.

He lifts his  head up , "Hey are you okay ?"
I turn to face him , "uh me ? Yeah I-I'm fine"
"Um. Okay. Thanks for helping me"
"Oh.no. It-it's fine." I try to add a smile but it doesn't really work.
"Hey are you sure you're okay ?"

"What ? Yeah yeah I promise"


After school I meet back up with Gabriel .
"Sammy ! You were getting pretty close to that lucifer guy weren't you ? " he pouts "I can't have any one taking my Sammy away from me "
He (w?)raps his small arms around my
Waist . I laugh , telling him that there was no reason to worry , I didn't like him like that. Or at least I don't think I do ??

He grins, "Sure" we carry on walking from school. Just as we were about to take different paths to get home I remembered that I'd invited lucifer tonight . I told Gabe , and his immediate reaction was to laugh and wink at me . All I could do was sigh at how predictable my best friend was.

You always make me smile (samifer)Where stories live. Discover now