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This time I wasn't offering mercy . I wriggle as much as I could into Lucifer,  yet his only response was to pull me in tighter, wrapping his arms around my stomach .

I beat him at every game, and somehow he got though almost all the beers; whereas I stayed at just 3. Lucifers stubbornness was starting to shine through, as he refused to let me stop playing until he had won.

We started a new game, lines forming on lucifer's forhead as he squinted his eyes, concentrating as much as he could after 7 beers.  

After 5 minutes I got 4 in a row diagonally, I turned my head over my right shoulder finding  my self laughing at Lucifer's disgruntled facial expression.

I glance at the at the clock hanging on my wall, a gift from my brother Dean, the hands pointed at 12 and- 6 . half 12. Just the time I needed to fall asleep at for school.

I let him win the next game , just so I could go to bed. His look of disbelief , then his smile was actually really adorable . He giggled , happy with his win. He lent back , stretched his arms out , my legs were taken off the floor, causing me to fall back on him. He yelps from my weight , and we end up as a mess on the floor . I quickly scramble off him muttering apologises , he just lays on the floor , looking up at me and giggling .

This guy was in no state to leave by himself. I pick him up, carrying him bridal style into my room.As I had him in my arms he began to stoke my hair, commenting on how long it was. I couldn't help but grin at how much he changed with alcohol . He reminded me of a teddy bear, oblivious to everything around him, cute and huggable . WOAH woah Sam. That is dangerous territory . Stop before you develop a crush on the poor guy.

I reach my room, laying him down on the slightly crumpled sheets - thanks to Gabriel.

"Sammyyyy" he rolls over, his eyes closing and his knees pulled up to his stomach . I smile at how cute he is, drunk or not . I press a kiss to his cheek, blushing madly as I realize what I'd just done.

I grab a pillow and blanket , deciding to sleep on the couch .

As I was led there , thoughts were going through my head .
'Do I like lucifer ?'
He's cute but I don't know.
'Was Gabe telling the truth ?'
How am I suppose to know ?
'You want Gabe to be telling the truth though don't you ?'
M-maybe .

I manage to drift off to sleep , my thoughts going silent after a good ten minutes of them blaring through my skull.

I feel something on me , I forcefully open my eyes , feeling a weight on the lower part of my body . The room is pitch black, however I already have a good idea as to what's on top of me .

Yep I could feel his hair . Lucifer. I honestly wonder why he would have the urge to lye on me. I gently stroke his cheek, trying to fall asleep again.


I wake again , sunlight filtering through the blinds. I look down - and yep . He's still there . I smile to my self , trying to limit my movement.

*ten minute time skip*

Lucifer rolled onto his back , his eyes fluttering open . He must have panicked when he realised he was slept on something , because he frantically tried to get off me . Ending up on the floor. I jump at his sudden movement, asking him if he was okay.

"I - I was slept on you ?"

"Yep . I uh I didn't want to wake you up. Sorry"

I laugh at his shocked face, his eyes were wide , he kind of reminded me of a dog I used to have.

"hey It  doesn't matter. " I laugh as he pouts his lips and tilts his head up. How can he be over 6 foot tall and still so adorable?

"Oh and hey. You still lost at connect 4" I stick my tongue out at him.

"Yeah well. It's just a game." He stutters over is words, obviously not sure what to say, making me smile at his stubbornness.

I stand up and stretch my arms, hearing a satisfying 'pop'.

"You weren't saying that last night," I mutter as I make my way to the door. Letting Lucifer know I was going to make breakfast.


You always make me smile (samifer)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant