Chapter Three- Ignorance Is Bliss

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It Runs In The Family 

Chapter Three- Ignorance Is Bliss

Aimes' POV-

       After lunch the group got back together. I started loking at the girls as they sat at our feet. None of them really stood out to me as incredibly beautiful, though most of them had their heads hung and they just looked scared. I looked over at Elle to see if she looked the same, but her head was lowered slightly out of respect. I remember our mother telling her just a few months ago about being a submissive.

      "Elle, I need for you to remember this. A submissive is not meant to be scared of her Dominant unless she has done something wrong. There is a bond of trust between a Dom and his submissive, and with that trust you should know not to fear him, but to show him respect."

      "What if I don't know what he is capable of? What if there isn't any trust built between me and my Dom? How can I trust him to know what is best for me when he doesn't know me?"

      "Never EVER put yourself in a situaton that your well being is in the hands of an unfamiliar Dom. Express any concerns you have respectfully and your Dom will respect your wishes. Always have a safeword system in place before you allow your Dom to have control over you. A two-word system is best, on average the words orange and red are used. Orange is a warning, used when you feel a situation is moving a little too fast for what you are comfortable with. Red is used when you are ready to get your clothes on and leave. If you are not careful with your warnings you could get extremely hurt."

      It looked as if all of these girls could use a talk from my mother. The fear wasn't just on their faces, but was being projected even louder through their body language. They made it seem as if we expected them to look as small and intimidated as possible. Just as I brought myself out of thought I heard what the instructor was speaking about. I almost laughed out loud at the irony.

      "I can not begin to express how essential the use of a safe word is. Before any sessions are played out between a Dominant and a submissive they both need to decide upon and agree with a safe word. This safe word should be discussed in a neutral setting, somewhere the submissive is not intimidated by the Dominant. If a submissive uses the safe word and the Dominant ignores it, all trust is lost between the pair. If a Dominant violates the safe word on the school premises he will be severly punished, if not expelled."

      All of this I had heard from my fathers before.  They didn't want me to ever betray a submissive's trust the way one of my fathers did.  He told me that when he heard that my mother and his brother had gotten involved he lost it.  He whipped my mother until she couldn't stand any more.  He actually had to stop half way through the story because he was crying.  That was the only time I have ever seen either of my fathers cry.  They only ever mentioned it once, and I had the sense to never bring it up.  My mother had told me very vaguely that their relationship had reached a conflict and they had to spend sometime apart.  

      I don't think Elle knows about our parents' past, and I don't think any of my parents are eager to tell her.  With me they knew I would understand how possesive and teritorial a Dominant can be with his sub, but all my sister is going to see in the beginning is that my dad violated the trust my mother out in him.  She will never be able to look at him the same way, so in this case ignorance is bliss.

Elle's POV-

      Damon had me sit on the floor in front of him in class, though it was hard for me to pay attention. The toe of his shoe was tracing small patterns at the base of my spine.  It was starngely erotic, the secret the two of us shared.  He held power over me already, with just command of his voice, one look of his eyes I knew I would bend to any order, and he knew it too.

      It was odd for me to feel this way about a Dominant.  Back home, my old Dominant never made me feel like this.  He definitely had power over me, but I never had the urge to kiss him, to run my hands through his hair as his tongue collided with mine.  Even here, in front of the entire class, I wouldn't mind if he stradled me, showing I was his in front of all of these people.

      I glanced over at Aimes, though he didn't see me.  He looked lost in thought, vaguely looking at the instructor.  I was always curius what he was thinking about.  My brother is what you might call a closed book, though he did open up quite a bit for me.  He didn't really show any emotions on his face, he just always looked at peace with himself and his surroundings.  I just wish he would tell me when something was bothering him, he had come to my defense countless times, roughing up boys who gave me a hard time or wiping away my tears after a bad break up.  Never once had he ever told me when he was in the midst of an issue.  Maybe a submissive would help it with him.  I know he has had older submissives, found at the clubs owned by my fathers, but it was always purely physical between them.  If he could find someone that he connected with on a more emotional level he might finally release what he is hiding in his Pandora's Box.

Damon's POV-

       It was hard to pay attention with Elle at my feet.  She was so beautiful, so perfect.  I wanted to take her right here, on the floor, in the middle of the class to show everyone she is mine.  To stop the other males from looking at her body, from looking at what is mine.  She leaned back toward me, pusing herself against me as I traced small patterns on her back.  I wanted to do more, to show her how much pain and pleasure her body can take simultaneously.  To show her how much more she can be when she is with me, when she is mine.


        I felt like giving you guys a taste of the different characters' minds.  Do you like Damon and Aimes' POVs, or do you guys want me to focus on Elle?  Comment and tell me what you guys think so far!

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