Chapter Nine- Meet The Kingma's

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It Runs In The Family

Chapter Nine- Meet The Kingma’s

 (PS- To the side is another picture of Michael.  Try not to eye rape him ;)

Elle’s POV-     

      Both Damon and I wanted to spend time with our families during the holiday breaks, but at the same time we wanted to spend the breaks together as well. We decided that we would spend Thanksgiving and New Years with my family and Christmas with his. I wasn't nervous about my parents meeting Damon, they already knew his father and for that reason alone they should approve of him.  Yet, I had still spent the past month with butterflies in my stomach every time I thought of this weekend.

      I already knew I wanted to take him to The Rose's Thorn, but I am still unsure about him meeting Michael. Already Damon seems very possessive, which is fine with me, but he might over react at something that Michael says or does. If he does over act and they have an altercation, Damon may get seriously messed up. At the club, Michael also acts as the extra bouncer, keeping peace between the patrons, meaning he is a force to be reckoned with.  It was a trait I had loved about him when we were together, the sheer effect he has with just his presence. But now I was concerned.  I knew that Damon would not stand a chance, which was understandable considering Michael has a good 8 years over him.  But it couldn’t be avoided.  That place was such a big part of my life, it helped form me into the person I am now.  If I didn’t show it to him it would be like I was keeping a secret from him, and I would never dream of doing that.

      Damon had insisted on driving, and I knew better than to argue with him over such a trivial matter.  He had been driving for almost three hours now, and we were already in my hometown.  It was weird seeing the familiar streets after being gone for two months.  Damon turned to me, his signature cocky grin on his lips as he spoke,

      “So, this is where your mischief started.”

      “Not technically.  My parent’s club is on the other side of town.”

       “Watch yourself.  Your smart ass isn’t going to like it’s punishment.”

      I still blushed slightly whenever he talked to me like that.  It always gave me butterflies.  It was just the promise of him taking complete control of me that made me curl my toes in excitement.  He put his right hand on my knee, his thumb moving in a slow circular pattern.

     We reached my home without much trouble.  Damon would say it was his driving skills, but I knew most of the navigational work was done by the GPS.  I began to worry as we walked toward the door.  Logically I had no reason to worry, but my irrational fear of my parents rejecting Damon had my head spinning.  I had no idea what I would do in that scenario.  Would I stand with the two who have my love, or with the one who has my trust?

      Damon took my hand in his, knocking on the door.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw him straighten his spine in the slightest, showing that he too was nervous.  Dad Alec answered the door, his serious face on.  I held in a giggle, knowing he was just trying to scare Damon.  Damon kept his face serious, holding out his hand toward my dad.

      “Hello, sir.  It is nice to meet you.”

      “You too, son.  I hope you have been taking care of my daughter.  Come on in.”

      When we walked in Dad James was standing several feet into the house and my mom was sitting in the living room.  She got up when she saw me.

      “Hello, sweetie.  I have missed you around here.”

      I smiled as she pulled me into a hug, realizing in that moment that I had really missed her in the past months.  When I pulled back from her I realized Damon was introducing himself to Dad James, who also was wearing an extremely serious face.  My mother pulled Damon into a hug while I hugged both of my fathers, realizing for the first time just how much I had missed my family. 

      We sat as a group in the living room, Damon and me on the love seat and my parents across from us sitting on the longer couch.  My mother began making small talk, asking simple questions about the food at the school and how my math classes were going.  She was avoiding the subject I knew my fathers were going to hit hard.

      “Mom, I am positive that everything at the school is great.  If I had a problem with anything I would tell you guys.  I promise.”

     Dad James then chose that moment to butt in, his expression still as serious as when I had walked in the door.

     “Damon, we need you to know that we don’t take this situation lightly at all.  My daughter has ensued quite a bit of trust in you, and you have my promise that if you ever cross that line, you will face some of your worst fears.”

      Something flashed in the eyes of Dad Alec as Dad James talked.  I couldn’t quite distinguish what it was, but it seemed almost to be a mixture of shame and sadness.  It made no sense to me, so I just assumed it was an unfamiliar contortion of his face as he attempted to look as frightening as he could toward Damon.  Damon nodded with what my father was saying, his face taking on a solemn expression.

      “I can promise both of you that to harm Elle would cause me much more pain than either of you could inflict.  This pairing has turned out to be so much more than I expected, and to destroy that now would be a disservice to myself and both of our families.  You have my word that nothing will ever go too far, that that line will never be crossed.”

      “We will hold you to the promise.”

    All three of them nodded, and then they slowly relaxed.  They allowed their faces to fall into their normal expressions and they began to relax into the cushions of the couches.  Damon wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me slightly into his side as we sat.  Both of my fathers settled on either side of my mother, moving into their more comfortable positions.  I was glad this was all settled, that I had one less thing to worry about when it came to this weekend.

      Dinner was delicious, which was common for my mother’s cooking.  Damon on the other hand had not been expecting it, and his eyes had been the size of saucers ever since he took first bite.  He definitely ate too much, where as I could hardly eat.  I was extremely nervous.  Tonight I was taking him to the club, and every time I envisioned it there was a new ending.  One where the police had to come to end an altercation between him and Michael.  Another time it ended with the two of them taking their fight outside and Damon cracking his skull against the concrete.  The worst one so far ended with my father being called in when Damon and Michael started yelling at each other.  My parents didn’t know of the extent of the relationship between me and Michael.  From what we had told them he was more of a teacher, lightly introducing me to this world.  In reality nothing was light in our relationship.  Everything was heavy, the consequences, the weights on the tips of the cat of nine tails, his hand as it fell on my backside.  Everything.  That was the appeal of being with him.  He didn’t treat me like some teenager, he treated me like every other submissive, though I am not quite sure he let go of he as well as he let go of the others.


I loved writing this chapter!  I have had this idea in my head for a while, and I am so glad it worked out like it did!  The next chapter will be up tomorrow, and I hope you guys love it as much as I do.  Thank you for reading!

PS- Check on @LisaImmelman.  Her BDSM story has some crazy good writing.  Drop a comment, ask her to write more, even though it is only 6 pages it was awesome!!!!!

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