Chapter Either- Minor Freedoms

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It Runs In The Family

Chapter 8- Minor Freedoms

Damon’s POV-

      Trust.  Respect.  Love.  All of which are supposed to be earned.  All of which I expected would take time with Elle.  But with her that is not how it worked.  She immediately trusted me, almost knowing as if I would never hurt her.

      The past two weeks with her have been more than I ever had expected when I first met her.  Just the classes alone have made me not only appreciate her, but I am now dependent on her.  I could no longer imagine any of this without her, any of this world of pain and pleasure.  It needed her to work.  As I sat behind her right now I couldn’t help but be in awe.  She had so much control over me, just with her eyes I could tell how she was feeling, if she was comfortable with a situation, if she could go further.

      She moved her head to the side slightly, her hair brushing over her shoulder and across my knee.  It was hard to concentrate around her.  There was always something to distract my attention, she would turn up the corners of her lips, or a slight breeze would come and I would immediately smell her light perfume.  Not to mention the fact that every time we were in the class room, all I could think about was our time together in the private rooms.  Our time together behind closed doors.

      The teacher released us from the class, giving us an extra couple minutes for lunch.  Elle went and sat at our usual table while I kept walking, getting us food from the line.  We had our own routine, a system we had learned from each other.  We were each other’s teachers, even when we didn’t know it.  By now she knew exactly how I needed things when we were in private or demonstrating for the class.  She obeyed to my every whim, following the instructions without a second thought.  I fucking loved it. 

            I brought her back a sandwich and a water, knowing now what she liked to eat.  Some of the other Doms tried to impose certain eating restrictions on their subs, but I could never do that to her.  She could eat what made her happy, it was one of the few freedoms I gave her.  We ate in silence, both of us keeping our thoughts to ourselves. 

I could tell Elle was sneaking glances at the table adjacent to our where Aimes and Sophie were sitting.  They seemed to be doing better, they were slowly becoming accustomed to each other.  They, too, were eating in silence, though from this angle I could tell Aimes had one hand under the table resting on her knee.  Simple touches like that were a form of silent comfort, she most likely had been scared or troubled by something in the last class.  Elle had been like that just last week in our class concerning the more dangerous forms of play.  The instructor began introducing us to needles, even though almost no one in this class would ever mess with something like that.  Most of the Doms in here weren’t very experienced, and they were still having difficulties with the basics.  But, part of this school was to prepare us not for next week, but for next year as well.  The teacher was showing us pictures of what could happen if used incorrectly, and I could feel Elle’s spine stiffening as he spoke.  I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her and she immediately shrugged out of my touch, acting very out of character.  I excused the both of us from the class room with a simple nod toward the instructor.  I brought her into the hallway, sitting her down on one of the benches as I stood in front of her. 


I called her name but she didn’t look at me, keeping her chin down.

“Elle, look at me.”

I had hardened my voice, knowing it was the only way to get her respect.  She looked at me, though her brow was crinkled and she had a distantly sad look in her eyes.

“What is the matter with you?”

“I just.. I.  You know needles are one of my hard limits.  I couldn’t look at those pictures he was showing us.  You know those scars on my breasts?”

I had noticed them, but another one of the freedoms I gave her was a right to a small amount of privacy.  Their origin wasn’t critical information to me at all, and I knew if she wanted me to know about them she would tell me.

“Michael had wanted to try something new.  I didn’t listen to his instructions as well as I should have.  I had never done anything like that before with him and I didn’t realize how serious the consequences were going to be.  I had to have stitches.”

She paused for a minute, she laughed to herself and then took a deep breath, continuing.

“Luckily one of Michael’s friends from the scene is a doctor.  I couldn’t imagine having to explain what had happened to someone I didn’t know.  We managed to keep it from my fathers, which was good, mostly because they don’t know that I got involved with Michael at all.  They didn’t know that I’d ever had a Dom before when they sent me here.”

She looked up at me now, her eyes wide.

“Please don’t tell them, Damon.  I can’t deal with them finding out.  They would definitely fire him, if not worse.  Please keep this secret for me.”

I sat down next to her.  I did love it when she begged, but not like this.  This didn’t make me want to pound into her, this made me feel a need to protect her.  I pulled her small frame into my arms, holding her as she put her head on my shoulder. 

I was brought back to the present as Elle got up from the table to throw our garbage away.  She was wearing a tunic and khakis.  After the pair assignments it was up to the Dom to decide what their assigned submissive was going to wear.  Some girls still wore the tight and constricting corsets with the short skirts, but I couldn’t impose that on Elle.  Not to just sit in classes.  Yet again, one of the small freedoms I allowed her.  That, and as soon as we got to our room for the night she was to remove all of her clothing.  That was one of the freedoms I allowed myself, the freedom to see how beautiful my woman was every night before I held her in my arms to sleep.


Hey!  I would like to thank those of you who have read my new story ‘Collared’, and for those of you who haven’t you should definitely check it out.  Ever since I have started to write that, I am starting to notice that my ‘submissive’ characters tend to fall into the ‘slave’ category sometimes.  Especially with this story, but after thinking about it, the subs at this school are acting as 24/7 submissives, though sometimes they are more submissive than other times.  After thinking about it even more (there was a lot of thinking overall) I decided I am going to try give the female characters in this story a few more freedoms, just so that they aren’t filling the role of the traditional ‘slave’.

Thank you guys for reading that, I know it was long and I kind of talked myself in a circle, but I wanted to give some insight into my thoughts.  Tell me what you guys think of it so far!

PS- I was thinking of doing another private session in the next chapter…but I wasn’t sure.  I’m sure it would be a difficult choice for you guys if I let you decide ;)

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