Chapter Seven- Killed On Impact

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It Runs In The Family
Chapter Seven- Killed On Impact

Sophie's POV-

      The entire idea of this relationship with Aimes both scared and excited me.  I didn't know if I could fully entrust someone who I barely knew, but I knew that if I did it would open up new doors for me.  Both of my parents had come to this school when they were my age.  They were assigned as a pair, and they have been together ever since.  This school wasn't an option for me, it was my only option.  They didn't like my old friends from my high school, apparently they are too quiet, too reserved.  My father told me,

      "I want you to enjoy your life while you are young.  Your friends are nice, but you isolate yourself from the rest of the world by interacting only with them.  Your mother and I have talked, and we both agree you could benefit from a year or two at the same boarding school we both attended.  Hopefully while you are there you can become a little more confident.  We both love you, and we just want what is best for you."

      I didn't talk to them for a week, which I knew hurt my mother.  At the time I was only thinking about myself, about how they were taking me away from my friends and the school I excelled at for my own good.

      It was my last day of school at my old high school, and I still wasn't talking to either of my parents.  I had just finished my last exam when I got called down to the school's office.  I found my father, a somber look on his face as he sat against the wall, his head in his hands.  When he saw me he immediately pulled me into his arms, embracing me tightly.  This wasn't like him, he didn't show his affections like this, with him it was normally just a smile or a small pat on the back.  He let me go, taking me into the small conference room.  When he raised his head I could see his eyes were red rimmed, he had been crying.  As he spoke his voiced cracked, and just the sound of my strong father so broken almost made me cry.  I knew something was extremely wrong.

      "Sophie, I just need for you to listen to me, okay.  Just let me talk.  Your mother was driving to the grocery store when she was in an accident.  The ambulance didn't make it in time by then she had already..."

      He kept talking, but I couldn't listen.  I didn't believe it.  It wasn't possible.  She couldn't be gone.  Not now, not when I had been holding a stupid grudge against her because I didn't want to go out of my comfort zone.  Nothing like this was ever susposed to happen to me.  I couldn't ever say good bye, give her one last hug.  I turned away from my father, not wanting to let him see me cry.  I knew that my turning would allow him to cry as well.  He surprised me by pulling me into another hug and I could feel his tears on my shoulder.

      That was the hardest moment in my life, and the second was a week later when I had to bury the woman who I loved the most in this world.

      In the next three months me and my father became extremely close.  We both began to really appreciate the other.  He even retracted his initial statement, telling me I could stay at my original high school.  But I had made my decision on the day he had told me I had lost my mother.  I wanted to go where she had went, to see what she had seen, and maybe in a way be a little closer to her.

Aimes' POV-

   Sophie never talked about her family.  In the past two weeks of us being paired I have only heard her talk to her father once.  I could tell by how she spoke with him, how she laughed with him, that they were extremely close.  That was the happiest I have heard her so far.  I was going to ask her about him, but right when she hung up the phone she looked deep in thought, a sudden wave of sadness crossing her delicate face. When she caught my eyes with hers we wiped her face blank, immediately erasing any of the previous emotions.  

      I wish she would tell me everything.  I wanted to hear everything about her childhood, her friends, her family.  In our classes we had been building trust between the two of us, and she seems to be opening up toward me a little, but I wanted more.  I wanted her to know I would never hurt her, that she is safe with me.  But instead I took everything step by step, going at her speed as we began to learn about eachother slowly.  No matter what I wanted I would wait for her, because I already knew she was amazing, but I think she needs to learn that too.

Elle's POV-

      I knew Aimes was struggling with Sophie.  He wanted to immediately open up to her, but that's not how it works most of the time.  He needs to spend time with her, slowly build up her trust.  I could tell from the few times I had spoken with her that she put up a strong defense, but inside she is so emotionally delicate.  Though I don't know what, she has been through some horrible events, and Aimes is going to have to be cautious as he begins to work his way through her defenses.

      On the other hand, Damon and I having been moving so fast i swear I am getting whiplash.  Around him I feel protected, I know that he won't do anything that could ever hurt me.  He has my complete trust, and I feel like I have known him my entire life.  but there is a small part of me that wonders if it is all too good to be true.  But with everything moving so quickly I am afraid we are going to hit an end point, and this entire relationship will be killed on impact.


I am now sick.  While I am on my exchange.  This time to write is the only positive aspect to my current sitaution.  On a more positive note, I am going to try to post more often.  I know it has been a while since I wrote, and I hope you guys can forgive me :).  

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