Chapter Four- Pair Assignments

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It Runs In The Family

Chapter Four- Pair Assignments

PS- To the side is a picture of Sophie--->>> 

Elle's POV-

      The rest of the week passed in a blur.  It was hard to pay attention in class when Damon was behind me.  He was discreet, but that didn't mean that he wasn't making the most of the situation.  He was always touching me, even if it was only his calf against my shoulder or my head against his knees.  It was his way of reminding me he was there, though I didn't mind.

      The dean called us all back into the gymnasium on Friday.  As I walked throught he doorway, I could hardly contain my excitement.  Even though I already knew that Damon would be assigned to me, I still had no idea who Aimes would be matched with.  He needed someone who could stand on their own, but at the same time chose to lean on him.  He needed to take care of someone, but at times he also needs to be able to do things without someone depending on him.  My parenst would likely joke that we were the perfect pairing, what one of us needed the other had.  No matter how compatible we were, I would never pull a Flowers in The Attic and allow myself to be with Aimes.  He is my friend as much as he is my brother, and he will always be in the friend zone. 

      The dean started, though I noticed him glance at me and Damon, flashing us an almost indectible grin before starting.

      "After a week of observing all of you students, the faculty and I have decided on the pair assignments for the next two years.  After your assignemnts are made, you guys may move from your temporary dorm rooms intop your permanent ones.  As you most know, you will be rooming with your assigned partner, as well as sharing a bathroom with them.  When classes resume on Monday, all Dominants will be required to present their submissive with a list detailing any daily actions they are to prform, along with how their Dominant would like for them to present themselves for classes daily.  Submissives are to follow these instructions, or else face a punishment decided on by their Dominant.

         I will now begin to assign pairs.  Submissives, please go sit in front of your new Dominant."

      He started alphabetically by the Doms last name.  As of no surprise to me, my name was announced after Damons's.  As soon as my name left the dean's lips, Damon put his hand on my shoulder, silently overjoyed he could finally show his pownership over me to the rest of the male sin the room.  Secretly, I was happy too.  I had seen the other girls glance up at him, enticed when he showed just how experienced he was during a classroom discussion.  

      Aimes was up next, and I could see a flash of worry and concern cross his face as he slightly crinkled his brow.

       "Aimes Kingma is to be paired with Sophia Radshaw"

      The girl who walked toward him looked extremely shy with her hair tucked behind her ear and head bowed.  She sat neatly at his feet, accidentally brushing against his legs as she sat.  Aimes looked content, she looked like his last submissive.  Physically they looked compatible, and I knew Aimes would make the situation work no matter what she acted like.

      The dean quickly finished with the assignments, giving each submissive time to move to her new Dominant before moving on to the next.  So many emotions were running through me after we were dismissed to move in to our new rooms.  Mostly excitement that my pairing with Damon was official, but also excitement for my brother and his submissive.  I was also secretly worried about being alone with Damon, what his reactions would be in certian situations.  The one time I had been alone with him, in the closet, he had snapped at me pretty quickly.  I could just imagine how much worse it could be if he snapped at me during a session, with a riding crop in his hand.  I tried to shake those thoughts from my head as Damon put his arm around my waist, a sly smile on his lips.

      "Why are you suddenly so happy?"

      "It's two things auctually.  One, you are officially mine.  And two, I can touch you in public."

      He bent down close to my ear to whisper the last part,

      "And it seems as if you forgot to properly address me in your statement.  Don't worry, you will be punished for it at a later time, but right now I just want to slep with you in my arms."

       I wasn't particulary worried about his punishment, not because I didn't think he could do me much harm, but because I wanted to give him that control over me, for him to be able to give me what I have been waiting for ever since I saw him walk in this school.  

      Him saying that he wanted me to sleep in his arms also helped reinstill that he felt about me the same I felt about him.  We both wanted more than just an exchange of power out of this relationship, we wanted to establish a serious emotional connection as well.  I was glad, I already felt differently about him than I did for my old Dom.  He was a few years older than me, and everything he wanted from me was purely physical, which is all I wanted from him at the time as well.  He had taught me so much, but I had never had that urge to catch his lips with mine, to have him hold my hand.  I wanted all of that and more with Damon, and now I can have it.

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