Chapter 5

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It Runs In The Family
Chapter 5-

Aimes' POV-

She didn't talk to me, not when we were first assigned, not as we walked in the hallway. The entire time she kept her head bowed, her eyes cast downward. I knew I had to be the one to initiate the conversation, but at the same time I hoped she would show a flash of courage. I hoped she would give me something to work with, show me that making her answer to me was going to be a challenge. I decided I needed to man up in time to move her things in to our new room, so I stopped walking, catching her shoulder and making her stop too.

"Why don't you lead me to your room so we can get your things and move them in to our room."

I hoped that she would respond vocally, to say something, anything. But instead she meekly nodded her head, returning her head to it's prior bowed state and walked just a step ahead of me, leading me down unfamiliar hall and door ways. We finally got to her door. She pulled a small key froma pocket in her skirt and opened the door, entering the room and holding the door for me, allowing for me to enter as well.


So I am going to tell you guys two things about myself.

1.) I love Lana Del Rey.

2.) I don't understand how people could not love Lana Del Rey.

In reflection of those facts, I have put up a video of one of my favorite songs by her, called . Listen to it, part of it kind of remind me of this book, and all of it reminds me of what a great singer she is. Check it out, and if you guys are already fans of hers, comment and tell me your favorite songs by her! Thanks for reading, don't forget to -

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