Selling My Soul to His Royal Nerdiness. (11)

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Noah Richards

“Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” someone breathed.

I turned, blushing automatically. Two girls around my age stood in front of me, staring at my chest.

I reached up and awkwardly slid the t-shirt in my hands over my head. They continued to stare, gawking and whispering to each other.

They were laughing at me. I hadn’t seen myself in the mirror clearly, but I was sure that I looked utterly ridiculous.

It had been about three hours since Lil had sunken her claws into me. The girls got bored after a while and went shopping for my clothes while West stayed, finding someone to hit on.

Now Kolbie had forced some clothes on me and was browsing the racks while I changed. The dressing rooms were all full, so I thought that I’d be able to quickly get dressed and meet her outside the store. Macey had disappeared halfway through my torture.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough. I was just glad that I’d gotten my pants on first.

I attempted to make conversation. “Uh. Hi.”

“Hi,” the brunette giggled. I could barely make out bright blue eyes and a small nose. She was a few inches shorter than me. Next to her, a blonde, apparently shorter than her, grinned widely. They were both very cute. “What’s your name?” Her voice sounded low for some reason.

“Um N-No."

“No?” I could her the laughter in her voice and flushed more deeply, shaking my head. Snap out of it, Noah.

I cleared my throat. “Noah.” My voice came out in a squeak. Apparently, they didn’t notice.

“Like, that guy from the Bible? The one that built that ark?” The blonde spoke up.

“I-I guess.”

“Hot,” the brunette purred. “I’m Tasha.”

“And I’m Gina.” The blonde spoke up, shooting a look at Tasha for some reason. “Are you here alone?”

“Noah, babe,” a voice suddenly purred. Macey wrapped an arm around my torso, her breath tickling my ear. She was pressed up against me, every curve against my side.

I was bordering on puce now. She turned and glared at Tasha and Gina, who now looked extremely uncomfortable.

“Who are you?” She demanded rudely. Had I not recognized her face, I wouldn‘t have known that it was her at all. “Why are you hanging around my boyfriend?”

I looked at her in alarm, but she kept her sharp gaze on the girls in front of us.

I was speechless.

“I am so sorry,” Gina apologized, her eyes lingering on my lips before she looked at Macey. She looked at her companion. “Let’s go, Tash. We obviously aren’t welcome.”

They turned and left. Macey looked in my direction and grinned, stepping away immediately. “Sorry ‘bout that. You were under fire and I did the best I could.”

I stammered and flushed for a moment before I could choke out, “What just happened?”

“Nothing,” she waved an easy hand and grabbed my hand, setting a small box in them. “Here. You need to put these in.”

I looked down at the small white box in confusion, then back up, straining to read the letters. They blurred and twisted, hurting my eyes.

“They’re contacts,” she explained.

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