Selling My Soul to His Royal Nerdiness. (23)

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Anna Taylor

I sat in the cafe and talked to Jesse for a little bit more. He was actually very nice, once you got to know him. No one started shouting at him to come back to work.

When I asked, he shrugged and told me that his uncle owned the place. Which, in it's own way, is pretty cool.

After I got over my shock, I sat down and started to drink my coffee. Jesse managed to coax an autograph and the situation with Macey out of me. He shook his head sympathetically when I was through telling him about Teagen.

"That's harsh. Need a hug?"

And I let him hug me. Just because I deserved one.

I went home.

When I walked into the house, Chance was sitting on the couch with West, surprisingly playing video games with Silas. He looked completely relaxed, not a blonde hair out of place as he shot down a few zombies.

I had the inexplicable urge to punch him right in the face.

Silas looked up first when I entered. His expression immediately became concerned. He put down the controller and stood.

My feet moved without my consent as I walked over to him and buried my face in his chest.

"What's wrong?"He leaned down and murmured.

"I just broke up with my brother's girlfriend for him. Let him know, will ya? If I speak to him now I'll knock him out."

He pecked me on the head. "Okay. I'll meet you upstairs in a minute."

"Wait, where is everyone?" I peeked over his shoulder. West wasn't paying any attention to me, but Chance was. His lips were turned downward in a frown.

"Kolbie went out with a friend," he said, his voice still a murmur. "Your parents are still out and Mikayla picked up Noah. They said something about shopping."

"Oh." Noah was Kay's doll. If she saw a cute shirt of a pair of jeans, she'd buy it for him.

I was jealous for a few days, before a mysterious dark figure in all black came and picked her up. On the back of his motorcycle. Said mysterious figure turned out to be her boyfriend, who was a freshman in college (according to Noah) named Damien.

Not that I couldn't ask her this. It's just that, for some reason, our relationship was a little strained.

Meaning that she gave me the nastiest look I'd ever seen when we'd met and I'd asked her what the hell her problem was. Even the little one, Jay, seemed to hate me for some reason. But they hated Silas too. That was something.

"You look beat. I bet you'll be asleep by the time I get up there."

You know how you don't realize how hungry you are until someone points it out? Yeah, that's how it was for me. I abruptly felt a wave of exhaustion.

Trying not to show SIlas that he was right (because he sould be a downright ass about it) Instead, I gave him a small, barely manageable smile and walked up the stairs. I could hear him walk over to Chance.

For once, I didn't want to hear the bad. I shut my door behind me and walked over to my bed, kicking my shoes off and throwing my jacket onto the desk chair in the corner. I crawled under the sheets of my messy bed and was almost instantly asleep.


When I woke up, my room was dark and there was someone next to me. Further investigation (meaning that I totally stared at him for a good five minutes before I could make out his face) led to the fact that it was Silas.

...Silas was in my bed.

I lifted a hand to shake his shoulder, then had to stop and really look at him.

He didn't drool. He snore, if only a little. The intense lines that were set in his face when he wwas awake were gone, replaced with a sort of...softness. HIs arm was wrapped around my shoulder and his head was tucked into my side. And still, I noticed with a little irritation, his hair was freakin' perfect.

But I guess that was just a part of Silas. He was gorgeous. Quietly thoughtful, at times. He noticed tiny things that I never bothered to pay attention to.

Ans he was so mysterious. I didn't want to pry because family appeared to be a sensitive topic for him, but he never mentioned his mother or his father. No siblings. He didn't even visit his family on the weekends.

And yet...

I got this weird feeling, sometimes, when I looked at him. When he smiled without realizing that he wasn't smirking. When he felt outraged or irritated with something that made absolutely no sense, but was passionate about it. When he looked at me sometimes.

The small bursts of affection that I felt for him were unpredictable, and coming more and more often.

Silas sighed and put his arm around me, more tightly. Mumbled, without opening his eyes, "I know I'm hot, but could you let me sleep? The staring is agitating me."

"You're so weird." I shook my head a little.

"Says the one burning holes into my face. What're you thinking about so hard?"

"Nothing. Just...nothing." I smiled quickly, to reassure him.

Silas finally opened his eyes. Silver orbs stared at me.

"Anna," he started seriously, then paused. He kissed me quickly, just for a moment, then sat up. The movement was fluid.

"I'm starving," he said lightly, all evidence of his earlier tone gone. "Want to make a snack run?"

I looked at him. He looked at me.

And then I realized: Neither of us wanted to say it.

So I took his hand and nodded, smiling a little. "Let's go."

Minor writer's block...

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