Chapter 14

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Estelle's P.O.V.

Right after school, I walked down to the hospital to quickly visit Amy. Even since she woke up, I was hoping she'd
say a word.
I bought a hot chocolate for her and a some tea for myself. I opened the door with my elbow and walked doen to her bed, placing the mugs on her nightstand.

"Heya." I said and Amy smiled at me as she grabbed her hot chocolate.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I sat down on the chair next to her bed.

She nodded.

I smiled, "That's good."

I  took her hand and gave it a little squeeze, "I'm glad we're both here."

I heard Amy sigh as she squeezed my hand as well. She gave me a weak smile and a quiet nod.

After half an hour of talking to her, ahe replying with nods, shakes, smiles and shrugs, her mum came walking in.

"Estelle, nice to see you love." She smiled. I gave her a smile back as I got up.

"Nice to see you too. I should be going." I said. I leaned over to Amy,  gave her a hug and pressed a kiss on her cheek, "Love you Mimi."

I gave Amy's mom a friendly nod and walked off.

It already started to get dark when I got to my house. I searched for my keys, but I couldn't find them.

"For fucks sake." I mumbled as I checked my pockets and backpack again.

I decided to call Amy's mum, because my own was off for the weekend to see her sick brother.

"Fuck, voicemail." I sighed. Of course, she was still at the hospital.

I sat againt the frontdoor and thought about who I knew that lived nearby.
No one.

I scrolled my phone to see whose numbers I had and who I could call.
I stopped at Pete's number. He had been calling me since that day he and his mates were at his house. But I barely answered his calls.

Pete lived nearby.

I sighed and decided to call him.

I thought you didn't want to speak to me?
I know.
What made you change your mind?
I-uh. Fuck this is going to sound like I'm going to use you, but I called because I need a favor.
What is it?
I can't go home, because I left my keys inside, my mum is out of town for the weekend and Amy's mum is at the hospital. And..
And you need a place to stay for the night?

A couple of seconds went by and the both of us didn't say anything.

You can stay here.
Thanks. See you in a minute.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my backpack and walked off.

A few minutes later I knocked on the door of Pete's house.
He opened it and let me in.

"Are you parents okay with this?" I asked as I put my coat on the peg and set my backpack on the ground.

He leaned against the wall, "They're off for the weekend, so yeah it doesn't matter. My sister's staying at her boyfriend's, but I let her know just in case she comes home. It's fine."

"Alright. Thanks again though." I mumbled.

"No problem." Pete smiled. "I assume you haven't had dinner yet?"

I shook my head.

"Fancy some Chinese?" He asked as he practically pushed my to the living room and sat me on the couch. I had dragged my backpack with me and out it next to the coffee table.

I Don't Want To Be Your Secret (Josh McClorey & Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes)Where stories live. Discover now