Long Time Gone

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I had an English mock today so I really could've been doing without having to finish this chapter!;) 😹😬 I'm off to Italy on Saturday morning so this will be the last update for a while 💞😌


"Your here"
"Your observation skills..." Jane muttered, refusing to make eye contact with him as she played with the small coaster that lay on the table "....never cease to amaze me.."
Yes, she was here. At the table, were Jake was stationed...drinking coffee.
It had only taken her twenty five minutes of endlessly pacing the office and talking to herself to finally realise that she not only probably needed to get out more, but she also maybe, just a little....tinny weenie bit, needed Jake too.
And so here she was...sitting beside the man that claimed to know her inside and out. She couldn't deny it....this was true.
"I have to say, you came sooner than expected"
"People were starting to talk"
"And sitting down having coffee with me, somehow, made that better?"
"Probably not" Jane pushed her lips together as her eyes finally crept up "but I had to do something"
"Mmm" Jake muttered, taking a sip of his coffee which seemed to have gone cold "tell me...this 'something', does it involve you accepting my dinner invite?"
"Don't push it"
Jake raised his hands in a small surrender.
Jane 1-0 Jake. A small victory that Jane would enjoy while it lasted.
"What possessed you to come over then?"
Jane's eyes widened at the question. What had possessed her to come over? She didn't even know herself. Maybe it was the history? last night? the mutual attraction? the chemistry?...or maybe it was just the fact that he had made a promise of always being there until she accepted his childish request of dinner.
"..or am I just irresistible?"
Jane rolled her eyes.
"Your the one that's following me...remember?"
"I'm not 'following' you."
"Well...you could've fooled me" Jane smirked into her coffee.
"Just answer one thing."
"One thing?" Jane raised an eyebrow "you've already asked me twenty since I sat down. It's beginning to feel more like an interview that a...."
"..Than a what?" Jake smirked.
"..meeting" Jane quickly decided.
"All business, no pleasure?"
"You know that's not true"
Jane mentally slapped herself for saying it. Lowering her coffee cup, she pushed her lips together while she thought about her next move.
"Mmm" Jake hummed "...your right, I suppose I do"


"What are you thinking about?"
Jane's eyes were torn away from the window as she shot Jake a look of confusion.
"Nothing concerning you"
"Oh I doubt that very much" Jake chuckled as he ran his hand over Jane's name which seemed to be imprinted on the disposable coffee cup.
Jane's feet had somehow curled around the shape of the seat. Her arms lay across the top of it, giving her head a place to rest.
"Not everything's about you, you know"  she turned her head slightly, her arm still partially covering her mouth "anyway....shouldn't you be at work?"
"I've got more...pressing matters to attend to"
Jane's head slowly began to turn around. Now he'd got her attention.
"Like what?"
"You know what"
Jane rolled her eyes, glancing at the tiled floor when she accidentally made eye contact with Reynaldo who seemed to be lurking behind the counter.
"Very determined, aren't you?" Jane pushed her lips together.
"Your only realising?"
"Jake, you've never worked for anything in your life." Jane's hand ran through her golden locks "as soon as you found out that marriage involved more than signing a piece of paper, you bailed out"
"That's not fair."
"Isn't it?" Jane let a sarcastic chuckle escape her lips as she finished the last of her coffee.
Time past. The silence remained.
"Now that 'pressing matter' has been solved, you can go back to work" Jane's eyes returned to the window. It was his Que. to leave.
Take the hint. She practically begged him.
He seemed to stay, his eyes burning deeper into her as the seconds pass.
She eventually gave up and stood up herself; although he seemed to be standing beside her by the time she looked up.
"That chefs very...protective"
"His name is Reynaldo" Jane folded her arms.
"I don't care what his name is" Jake turned around with a smirk as he gave Reynaldo his signature sarcastic wave, earning a small slap from Jane.
Jane tried not to giggle as she watched Reynaldo disappear into the kitchen.
"I thought we could be civil"
Their eyes locked.
"We're like marmite, Jane" Jake stepped closer "we either love each other or hate each other"
"No in between?" She raised an eyebrow.
He looked to the side, making sure Reynaldo hadn't come out of his hiding place.
"What do you want?"
"It's not about what I want" Jane cleared her throat when Reynaldo emerged from the kitchen "it's about what the kids need"
"And what you want counts for nothing?"
"Not when there's kids involved"
"Mmmm" there was silence while Jake thought about his next move....and considered the consequences.
Then it happened. Their lips locked.
Jane froze, her body overcome with shock, desire.....and fear.
The room went silent. It could have just been her imagination, but Jane doubted it.
Everyone's eyes had been on them since entering the room. The majority of her customers were friends, some more like family. Word had passed around quickly, that she was sure of.
Before she knew it, the kiss had ended.
Time flys when you having fun. God....did I really just think that? Jane cringed.
Eyes bore into her, as if waiting for her to answer an unasked question.
Was she supposed to fall into his arms? Say I love you? Ride off into the sunset in his awful excuse for a car?
Unknown to them, this was becoming a regular occurrence. Not such an unpleasant one, Jane had to admit.
If last night was revealed, her relationship with her children and her innocent image would all go down the drain.
If only they knew....
She weighed up her options.
Run, hide? I wonder would any questions be asked if I simply ignored it?
She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Jane" Reynaldo wondered out of the kitchen. Just in time to watch a small drama. Unfold, unbeknownst to him.
"Reynaldo" Jane's eyes tore away from Jake.
"Is everything ok?" Reynaldo scanned the room, raising an eyebrow as the volume began to rise again.
"Yeah...why wouldn't i be?" Jane shrugged "what can I do for you?" She quickly moved on to avoid any more awkward questions.
"It's about the new breakfast menu"
"Go through to my office" Jane glanced at Jake before, once again, giving Reynaldo her full attention "Just give me five"
"Surree" After a quick scan of Jake, Reynaldo headed towards Jane's office. He wasn't an idiot.
"I..." Jane sighed before she had time to form her sentence. What was she supposed to say to him?
She walked, slowly slipping her hand in and out of his as she past.
A bit of flirting makes the world go round.
Harmless, right?


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