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Brendon placed ryan's lanky body in the front seat and situated himself in the passengers side.

he pulled out of the parking lot and drove the usual route to ryan's house.

now, brendon only remembered ryan's house because one year him and Pete had went trick or treating in his neighborhood.

it was weird he remembered that though, he probably shouldn't mention that to ryan.

he pulled into his driveway and quickly got the two of them out of the car.

he asked ryan where the spare key was and ryan mumbled something about the brick near the bird bath.

brendon looked over at the bird bath and saw the red brick.

he got the key and unlocked the door, placing the key back in its place and bringing them inside.

he set ryan down on the couch and made went into the kitchen.

roaming the cabinets for some pain killers.

once found, he got two pills and a glass of water to help him down the dry things.

ryan sat on the couch, looking dazed and a hands on both sides of his head.

"ryan? here, I got you some painkillers." he took his hand and placed the pills in his palm.

ryan swallowed the pills and sighed, his hands falling to his side.

"god, that helped so much. thank you brendon." brendon smiled and muttered a thank you.

"where's my stuff?" ryan asked, looking around the room.

"oh! you left it in your locker, you can get it tomorrow, don't worry."

ryan let out a sigh of relief and brendon chuckled.

Pretty boy; rydenWhere stories live. Discover now