Chapter 1: Out of the Woods

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(Mark's POV)

My head was pounding and I felt like death. The sun was streaming through the nearby window, causing me to squint as I took in my surroundings. The room was very white and not at all where I was hoping to be. I must have partied more than I thought last night. I attempted to get up, but couldn't. My eyes flew open. I ignored the burning in my head and looked at my body. I was covered in a white blanket and shackled by my feet and hands.

"What the fuck?" I wondered aloud. Suddenly, a door opened. A nurse walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Fischbach, I am Angie, your nurse. How are feeling?" she asked in a calm voice.

"Shitty" I replied. My throat was as dry as a desert.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Angie was checking the bags of fluid hanging near me and watching the heart monitor.

"What happened to me?"

"The doctor will be in in an moment to speak to you. For now, here is some medicine to ease the symptoms." she injected something into the tube in my arm and I started to feel better. She shuffled out of the room and I was alone again. I wracked my brain trying to remember what happened last night. The last thing I remembered was getting into a cab outside of a club, then it was blank.

After what felt like hours, the doctor came strolling in.

"Hello, I am Dr. Oakley" he greeted. He pulled up a stool and sat next to my bed, clipboard in hand.

"What happened to me doctor?"

"Do you remember your name?"

"Mark." I heard him scribble something on to the clipboard.

"And your age?"

"26." more scribbling.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"I went to a club with some friends, we had a few drinks, and the last thing I remember was getting into a cab."

"You were brought in by ambulance at 4:15 am by a man and said you had been throwing up non stop for a few hours and were being extremely aggressive."

"Oh my God, I must have drank more after we left the club."

"Your blood alcohol level was .17, which means you shouldn't even be alive right now. But, when we pumped your stomach and gave you fluids you were out of the woods. You were in a coma for three days so you missed your body going through detox. You should consider yourself lucky."

"Whoa, I almost died?" I stared at the doctor in disbelief.

"Yes, you did. Now, we are required by law to enroll you in a sober living facility."

"I don't need to go to rehab!"

"Yes, Mark, you do. The damage to your liver indicates prolonged excessive drinking. I am going to be very blunt with you: if you don't get sober, and stay sober, you will die before you're thirty."

I was stunned. I enjoyed drinking with the guys and going out to the club, but I had no idea it was this bad.

"Now, I will unshackle you and you can have a shower and whatnot, then you will need to fill out some paperwork." Dr. Oakley stood and began undoing the shackles. When the last one was done, the doctor helped me stand up.

"Alright, the bathroom is in there" he pointed to a door nearby, "There are towels, soap, and clothes for you. When you're done, use your call button and someone will come in to talk to you about the paperwork."

"Thank you doctor." he left the room and left me alone with my thoughts.

~Time skip to the next day~

"Here we are sir." my cab pulled up in front of a large white house. A sign hung on the gate that read "Glenwood House".

"Thank you." I paid the driver and retrieved my bags from the trunk. I went through the gate and was immediately greeted.

"Hello! You must be Mark! Welcome to Glenwood." A woman in her mid-forties stood in front of me. A huge smile was plastered on her face and I could see some wrinkles near her mouth and eyes. She was tall, slender, and tan.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"Let's get you inside and I will show you around!"

A/N I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Sober! In the next chapter Mark will be given and tour and meet his fellow housemates.

See you in the next chapter!

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