Chapter 7: Reunited

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(Mark's POV)

I couldn't stop smiling. Jack and I kissed after me crushing on him for the past two months and it was everything I dreamed it would be. I was sitting in the kitchen the next morning nibbling a piece of toast and scanning the want ads when Jack came in. I peeked at him and grinned, my face turning red; he was wearing his blue polo and jeans, all ready for work. He sat across from me and ate his cereal. I was trying not to look at him or else I would fling my body across the table and kiss him again.


"Hmm?" I kept the newspaper up between us.

"Mark, can you please move the paper?"

Reluctantly I lowered it and jumped back; Jack's face was right in front of mine. I could feel his warm breath on my face. I closed the gap and kissed him. I was about to crawl on the table when I heard footsteps running down the stairs. We sat back down and resumed our previous positions. Jessie came bounding into view, wearing nothing but a pink bikini.

"What's up guys?" She asked while raiding the fridge.

"Just eating breakfast." I responded.

"Uh huh, why are you blushing Mark? Like what you see?" she posed provocatively and I turned even redder. She giggled and leaned across the table.

"So, Jack, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me?" I couldn't help but feel jealous. I actually didn't know if Jack was in to girls but it didn't matter, he was with me and I didn't want Boobs Mackenzie all over him.

"Sorry Jess, gotta work."

"Bummer, it's such a hot day today and I don't have anyone to put sunscreen on my back."

Jack shrugged, "Sorry." Jessie stood up and shrugged, resuming her fridge hunt. I had three potential jobs picked out and was planning on visiting them today. Jack got up and rinsed out his bowl. I watched Jessie leave and snuck up to Jack. He turned around and jumped when I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him against me. He relaxed my body and wrapped his arms around my neck. Our mouths moved perfectly in sync and when his mouth opened, allowing my tongue access, he moaned into my mouth, making my knees shake.

He pushed me away too soon, both of us panting. "I'm going to be late for work." He whispered. I placed my forehead against his.

"I know." I kissed his forehead, "Go, I will see you tonight." He left and I stood there, reveling in the tingle on my lips.

I walked back upstairs to start my new chore of dusting and heard Nina talking to someone in her office. When I heard the other person talk, I recognized their voice.

"Felix?" I called to the person. My best friend came into view, instantly bringing me to tears.

"Mark!" We ran to each other and hugged tightly. I didn't realize how much I missed my blonde friend, until he was in front of me.

"It's so good to see you Felix."

"It's good to see you too buddy." we pulled out of our hug and looked him over. He looked the same except he was growing out his beard.

"How did you find me?"

"The app where you find you're friends. It notified me that you were nearby so I followed it here. Why didn't you tell me you were in rehab man?"

"I know, I'm sorry, I was so ashamed and embarrassed."

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, I really appreciate that."

"Of course, now, I am starving and Marzia is waiting outside, so let's go grab some food huh?"

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