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(Jack's POV)

"And last, but certainly not least, congratulations on 1 year of sobriety Mark!" Nina turned to a beaming Mark, handing him a gold coin with "365" written on it. I'm standing by the wall, cheering along with the rest of the group.

"Mark, there's one last thing." Nina retrieved the manila envelope that was sitting on her chair and hands it to Mark. He lifts the flap and pulls out a packet of stapled papers.

Shock comes across his face, "Are you serious?"

"Yes Mark, you deserve it and you are ready." Mark stands and hugs Nina. The rest of the residents join in, making it a group hug. When Mark finally breaks free, he comes to me. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist, lifting me.

"Mark put me down!" I giggle.

"I did it Jack, I'm being released." he shows me the stack of papers labeled "Discharge Forms". I kiss him quickly in excitement.

"Now you can move in with me!"

His face became somber, "Are you serious? You want to move in together?"

"Of course, you're at my apartment all the time anyway and I miss your cuddles."

"I would love to move in with you!" Mark picked me up again, spinning me this time.

"Mark! I'm going to be sick!" he put me down, grinning wickedly.

~3 Days Later~

(Mark's POV)

"And this is the last one." I collapsed on the couch, pulling Jack down with me. We sat in each others arms, looking around at our apartment. I only had 7 boxes and a table to my name and they were stacked against one wall.

"Should we start unpacking?"

"Nah, I think we should take off our pants, play some video games, and order pizza."

Jack nuzzled me harder, "And that is why I love you."

I kissed the top of his head, "And I love you." I jumped off the couch and tore off my pants, throwing them into a corner. Jack followed suite and turned on a game for us to play. After sharing a large pizza and playing video games until 2 am, it was time for bed.

Jack shut the door to the bathroom, so I got down to my underwear and got under the covers. I turned on Friends to fall asleep to as Jack came in. I opened my arms for him. He climbed into them, holding me close.

"Goodnight Mark."

"Goodnight Jack."

~4 months later~

"Happy anniversary Jack." I lifted my glass of sparkling cider.

"Happy anniversary Mark." He lifted his glass, clinking it against mine before taking a sip. It's been one year since Jack I became boyfriends (we're ignoring our tiny break up) and we are celebrating with a nice dinner.

After we ate, we went for a walk around the nearby pond. The sidewalk was lined with lanterns, casting a warm orange glow over the area. Jack linked his arms through mine, snuggling into my shoulder as we strolled. As we neared the destination I had in my mind, my heart started to pound and my palms were moist. If Jack noticed, he didn't give me a hint.

We reached the little dock lined with candles and little white flowers.

"Oh wow, how beautiful is that?" Jack commented under his breath. I steered us onto the dock. "Mark, what are you doing I don't want to ruin it."

I ignored him, turning to face him.

"Jack, I love you more than anything in this world. You've been right by my side through the good and the bad. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I dropped down to one knee, pulling out the ring, trying not to laugh when Jack whispered, "Holy shit oh my God".

"Sean William McLoughlin, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Jack shouted, his eyes already overflowing with tears. I slipped the ring on his finger and hugged him tightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the other part of the surprise sneaking up quietly. Once they were in place, they started cheering. Jack broke our hug to turn to the people. When he realized who it was, he ran to them.

"Mom! Dad! I can't believe you're here!" I walked up to them and shook Jack's father's hand. "Mark? You did this?"

"Yes I did. I found your brothers phone number in your phone and called him and got your parents number."

Jack threw his arms around my shoulders and kissed me hard. "Thank you Mark, you have made this the best day of my life."

"Anything for you my love."

Jack took my hand and we stood together in front of his parents.

"Mom, dad, this is my fiancé Mark." I beamed at my new title.

We got to know each other very quickly. They loved me and I loved them.  We went for coffee and as I quietly watched Jack and his parents talk and laugh. I got very sad; I wished my mom and dad were here. I had called my mom and told her my plans, but she couldn't get the time off to come out. And it was times like these that I especially missed my father.

But now, I was surrounded by love and happiness, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N And there it is, the end of my first book. This was so much fun to write and I love being apart of this community!

Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and voting, I love you all. I will see you, in the next book!

Love, Sam

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