Chapter Five

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 OKay sorry guys, i toast uploaded chap 6 twice instead of chap 5 and didn't realize until just now! MY BAD! so here is the actualy chap 5.... lol Yeah it's short :P gigatee



Chapter Five

There was a whimpering scratch behind me on the other side of the door. I rubbed my temples and tried to block the sound out.

“Tan…? Tanner…? Come on man….  Don’t ignore me! It just slipped out. I’m sorry… Please open the door…” Harley sobbed. I imagined his puppy dog face and shuddered. Why did he make things so hard for me?

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I bellowed to the empty room.

“Dude…” Harley whined, his voice cracking. My heart leaped with guilt. Just go home man! I thought. I heard him sigh and then footsteps leaving down the hall. A few minutes after that I heard the front door click shut. Then a skateboard rolling down the driveway. The urge to leap to my feet and run after him, begging him to come back, rushed through me. But I grabbed my ankles and forced myself to stay put.

“GAY FUCKER!” I shouted, tears forming in my eyes. I shoved myself to my feet and lashed out, knocking over my lamp and watching it fall to the floor and crash, the light bulb bursting and spraying glass everywhere. Unbothered by that, I went back to the kitchen. There was a note on the counter. My eyes flickered over it, I recognised Harley’s hand writing. I snatched up the note, scrunched it into a ball, and tossed it into the trash can; it hit the rim and rolled away into a dark corner.

“Good, stay there for all I care,” I huffed and stalked into the living room. I dropped down onto the couch and grabbed the remote, turning the TV on. I flicked through the channels until I stopped on cartoons and sat back, letting the mindless images occupy the space in my mind.

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