Chapter Two: The Dursley's

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Harry pulled his trunk inside the front door of the Dursley's house and shut the door behind him. He was grateful that he didn't have to be quiet as the family from hell were out; their car wasn't parked in the drive. It also meant that he had some time to himself before they came back. He dragged his trunk up the stairs to his small box room that used to be Dudley's playroom and set it down in the middle of the floor. He shut the door behind him before he looked around his room.

It hadn't changed much since he had been away, obviously no-one had bothered to clean it and there was a fine layer of dust on everything. He got down on his knees and opened his trunk. He didn't want to bother unpacking all his stuff as he would be gone within three weeks, but it wouldn't hurt to look through it. Actually thinking about it Harry went downstairs to the kitchen to see if there was note from his Aunt and Uncle saying how long they would be gone for. There was,

We will be gone until tomorrow morning. There is a pile of laundry to be done that you will find next to the washing machine, I want all of it done and if I find that the colours have run just the tiniest bit you will be in for it, understand? Good, there is also some left over mashed potatoes in the fridge that you can have.

Harry finished reading the note and looked over to the washing machine there was indeed a full basket to be washed. Harry had an idea then. He raced back up to his room and grabbed his dirty laundry that the house elves at Hogwarts hadn't had the chance to wash before he left and went back down with them. He shoved them in the machine and switched it on; he also put some powder in as well. He couldn't believe it, his dreadful family wouldn't be back until tomorrow that meant he had the whole afternoon and evening to himself. He suddenly wondered if he could ask Remus to come there instead of meeting at the park down the road like he usually did during the holidays. Yes, that's definitely something worth asking.

He looked in the fridge and saw the mashed potatoes in a bowl, he gathered that they were probably a day old at least so he left them there, instead he opted for an apple from the fruit bowl and went back upstairs.


He contacted Remus via the mirror that Sirius had given him for his last birthday. He thought that his Godfather probably hadn't even dreamed he was using it to contact Remus frequntly. But it was a good thing to have as they had to contact each other some way during their long spells away from each other or they would both go mad with worry for the other, especially Remus who was extremely protective of Harry; he said it was the wolf side of him but Harry thought it was just Remus being himself. Remus agreed to go round to the Dursley's instead of the park but he insisted on apparating into the back garden because you never knew who was watching.

Harry decided that unpacking half his trunk would be a good idea. Then he also finished doing the laundry for his aunt, when he hung the newly washed clothes on the washing line he looked to see if the colours had run. On his own clothes they had seeing as he hadn't bothered to separate the darker clothes from the lighter ones, he now had a red t-shirt that was tinged with purple but never mind if looked kind of cool. He was pleased to see that there was nothing wrong with the other laundry he had done so hopefully his aunt would think he had done at least an acceptable job.

He went back inside to see if there was anything he could eat. He wasn't going to touch the mashed potaoes so he had to look for something else. Just as he was contemplating going down to the local Fish and Chip shop he heard the faint crack of apparation from the back yard. He knew who it was but he couldn't help draw his wand just in case, he heard a voice in his mind that sounded wierdly like mad-eye Moody reminding him about Constant Vigilance. Before he could reach the back door to open it there was a small polite knock. Harry opened it and there was Remus stood in muggle clothes and a broad smile on his face. Before he invited him in Harry took a moment to take in the sight of his mate. He had to say that muggle clothes suited Remus so much better that a wizarding robe. Remus was wearing a long sleeved black button down shirt and Harry had to admit that it hung off his broad frame nicely; he also wore a pair of brown slacks.
"Hey" Remus said as Harry stood there checking the man out.
"Hi" Harry said back finally looking at Remus' face. Harry finally got control of his brain back and he stood aside to allow Remus in. The werewolf walked in gracefully and it was then that Harry noticed that he was carrying a parcel wrapped in off-white paper.
"What's that?" he asked curiously as he shut the door again. Remus turned towards him and held up the parcel,
"what this?" He said indicating it, Harry nodded, "it's dinner" he said simply and he put it down on the kitchen table.
"What?" Harry said dumbly as Remus started looking around the kitchen for plates and cutlery.
"Well I thought you wouldn't have had much to eat and last time I was here I found this nice muggle chippie so I thought I'd buy us some for dinner. Now where are the forks?"


After eating their fish and chips - which harry had to admit were rather good- they settle down on the sofa. Harry had decided to watch a film that he had seen Dudley watch a number of times that looked quite interesting but of course he was never allowed to watch it as well. He said as much to Remus who let out a small angry growl like he did every time the poor treatment of his mate was brought up. Harry put the film in the DVD player and while it was loading he started to explain what a DVD actually was, he stopped when Remus started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked, a little affronted. He was trying to be nice and the older man was laughing at him!

"I'm sorry Harry; it's just that I am half-blood so I do know about muggle things." He explained once he had stopped chuckling. Harry understood now and he found it a little funny as well.

"Sorry it's just that I forget sometimes that not all wizards grew up with muggle things all around them and then I have to explain what something is if I accidently say something muggle and they don't understand. It's just habit for me to explain muggle things." He said sheepishly, Remus smiled again and he held out his arms for Harry to come to him. The boy immediately went into Remus' outstretched arms and curled up by his side. Remus put his arms around harry and held him close. He didn't think about how Harry felt healthy now but when they saw each other again in a few weeks he would be nothing like he was at the moment. He knew that the only reason Harry was as healthy as he was, was because of the house elves' cooking at Hogwarts.

"So are you going to put the film on or not?" he asked with a smile and Harry smiled back sheepishly.


That night Harry had persuaded Remus to stay with him seeing as the Dursley's wouldn't be back until the late morning. Remus had reluctantly agreed and after sending an owl to Sirius saying that he wouldn't be back at Grimmauld tonight he enlarged Harry's bed so he could fit on it with him. Harry had then said to Remus that he wanted at least one happy memory in this room and the werewolf had taken the hint.

Remus slowly made love to Harry, it wasn't the first time but every time when they had a bed at their disposal Remus wanted to make it good for Harry. The boy was soon writhing and moaning underneath him as Remus pushed in and out in a slow deep motion. Harry just about managed to cry out a strangled "Remus!" before he was shuddering with his orgasm. Remus groaned as Harry tightened around him and he came inside his mate. After the aftershocks had passed Remus gently pulled out and flopped down beside him. Harry automatically tuned inward to Remus and snuggled up next to the older man who was still breathing heavily. Harry had somehow managed to get his rapid breathing under control and he was now enjoying the feeling of post-orgasm. He soon fell asleep felling safe, secure and content- three things he had never felt at the Dursley house before.

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