Chapter Five: Caught

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Remus grunted as he was unceremoniously pushed onto his knees in front of Lucious Malfoy. He didn't know where he was or how he had got there but what he did know was that they had snapped his wand and it had been six days since he had walked into their trap.
He was supposed to have been looking out for a target that he had to take back to one of the Order's hideouts for interrogation but he hadn't gotten that far.

He had walked into the pub asked for the key to room ten and as soon as he stepped into said room they had knocked him out muggle style then added three stypifys just in case, his kidnappers had done their homework that werewolves were tough to take down.

At this moment he reckoned he had two broken ribs, one cracked rib, twisted ankle, sprained wrist, three broken fingers and earlier he had had to pop his dislocated shoulder back in. All in all, it wasn't looking good. But after being a werewolf for over 25 years he had gotten used to pain and really on a scale of one to ten, ten being extremely painful it was about a four.

He kept his eyes on the floor, not daring to look at Malfoy who was probably looking down on him in disgust.
"So then Werewolf, enjoying your stay?" Malfoy sneered down at him, he could hear distaste in his voice. "Yes of course you are, we've given you a lovely cell in which you can sleep in and think about what you are going to tell us about the location of Harry Potter." Malfoy continued. Merlin how Remus detested this man.
"I'm not telling you a thing!" He retorted finally looking up, there was a look of defiance on his face and in his voice.
"Well then, we'll just have to make you tell us then, won't we" with that he whipped out his wand and started casting Crucio.

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