Chapter One

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EXTREMLY IMPORTANT: Incase you didn't read before this story is either going to be two or three books.

"Mom do I really have to move with you can't I stay here with my friends?", I pleaded even though I knew it was useless. All of our stuff was already in the moving van.

"Rose Elizabeth Ford', my mom began in a stern tone, "you're coming with me whether you want a new father and step brother or not." She climbed into the car and I had no choice but to follow. It wasn't fair. Just because she gets a new husband we have to move in with him and his kid. Which means I have to leave my best friends and boyfriend. I have to leave my great life of popularity here in California and start over now in boring old New Jersey. I know New Jersey isn't really that bad but I still don't see why they couldn't move here. This new 'step brother' is probably some egocystic, sarcastic, pig headed jerk who thinks hes all that because his father is rich. I grabbed my Louis Vuitton handbag, it was pink with a kin of grey/white/tan leapord print around the top and on the handles, and pulled out my headphones. I put them in, in attempt to block out my moms attempt at conversation. I was definetly not in the mood to talk to her right now, I just want to sleep.


"Nobody likes you, get out of here freak", I was so shocked. No one has ever dared to talk to me like that. I felt something hit the back of my head and looked down to see a french fry on the floor. Just then everyone started throwing food at me. I ran out of the cafeteria crying. This is the worst day of my life. I want to go back to California.


"Rose hunny, wake up, we're here", my mom said waking me up from my nightmare. Thank gosh is was only a nightmare. People can't hate me I am Rose Ford after all. I climbed out of the car and almost fainted at the sight of the house. My house was big but this house was ginarmous. It kinda looked like three houses put together. It was tan with a bunch of windows and a balcony on the left side. there was a humongous inground pool in front of it about the length of the whole house. I grabbed my purse and followed my mom inside. There were giant crystal chandelers, flat screen Tv's, the most expensive furniture and appliances. There was an elegant stairway that led upstairs, which we began to climb. There was a long hallway that brached off left or right with a bunch of doors. I didn't get to look in any of them because we climbed another set of stairs. When we reached the top we walked to a room on the left.

"This is your room", my mom said opening the door to reveal a large canopy bed, a walk in closet and the balcony. Sweet!

"Mom, I'm going out to explore the town", I said. I didn't want to run into the evil stepfucker and his son. Before she could say anything I was out the door. I ran down both flights of stairs and out the front door. When I reached the end of the block I slowed down to a walk. Despite this being a rich neighborhood there wasn't many stores. I'm guessing the stores must be in the next town over. Getting sick of looking at all the houses I took a path in the woods to see where it leads to. The further I walked the darker it got, I eventually started to hear music. As I got closer I could make out the smell of alcohol and I started to see figures of people. Sweet a party, just what I need right now. I was glad I wore something cute and party worthy today. I had on light purple skinny jeans, a button down light denim shit with the sleeves rolled up and tan boots with spikes on the front and back. A few people glanced at me as I walked over to the keg but nobody said anything. I just finished getting myself a cup of beer when a guy with light, shaggy blonde hair came up to me.

"Care to dance, Miss?", he asked while shooting me a dazzling smile. I pretended to look him up and down, as if to see if he was good enough. This caused him to slightly shift uncomfortably. I smirked at his discomfort and looked him in the eye.

"I suppose I could spare you a dance", finishing off the rest of my beer I let him lead me into the croud of dancing people. We were dancing to Don't Stop the Party by Pittbull. I was grinding up against him when two blonde bimbos came up and started grinding against him. They were both wearing a white cheetah print one shoulder dress that went to about mid thigh. Clearly not an appropriate outfit for a bush party. I don't know who they think they are but this blonde hunk of a man was mine. As I leaned my face up to his ear, my hand 'accidently' touched his junk. He looked down startled, then shot me that dazzling smile of his.

I felt my lips brish his ear as I said "Baby I'm thirtsy", in the most seductive voice I could manage. He shot me another million watt smile, nodded and grabbed my hand. I followed him through the croud of people and back to the keg. I was going to stop and get myself another beer but he kept walking further into the woods away from the party. I shot him a questioning look. This is usually the time when the girl in the movie gets raped, but this isn't a movie its reality. He told me to sit on a log that was laid out like a bench. When I sat down he finally let go of my hand and walked behind a tree. He came back with some Absinthe, Vodka, Brandy, Gin, and Blackberry Liqeur. I felt a small smile replace the confused look on my face, "is that an Aunt Roberta in the making?"

He looked up at me with a look of shock on his face. "I never would have pegged you as a girl to know strong alcoholic drinks." Yeah not many people do, I thought bitterly. People always judge me as a goody goody and it makes me mad. Like I'm popular yet people dont expect me to go out and party the way I do or do crazy, dangerous, adventurous things. I'm going to make sure people here don't think of me like that. He handed me a red solo cup filled to the brin with the drink. I downed it in six seconds flat. I always drink more vigurously when I'm pissed off and upset.

"Woah there take it easy", he chuckled as he poured me some more.

"What afraid I'm going to out drink you big boy?", I shot him a wink and downed my newly filled cup. I leaned over his legs to grab the container he mixed the drink up in. I chugged the whole thing down and let out a loud burp. Smooth, very lady like of me. Leave it to me to embarass myself in front of a cute guy. I looked over at the Blonde Beauty and was surprised when I saw three of him. I giggled "There i-is shree of yeww", I slurred while trying to stand up.

"I'm going to the bathroom then I'll be back to take you home", the three of him got up and walked away. Wow I'm really bad I usually never ever get like this. Just then three heads popped out of no where and kissed me. I swear sparks flew, the heat that passed between our lips was unbelievably intense.

"I've got to go. I'll see you in the future", this mysterious mans lips brushed against my ear as he said this. Leaving my skin to tingle. Before I could even ask him for a name or a number he was gone, but the heat from his kiss still lingered. I touched my lips, I've kissed my fair share of guys but none of them felt like this. The only problem was I dont think it was with million watt smile beach hotty, I'm pretty sure I saw brown hair.


I hope you enjoyed this, there will be another upload soon. Please leave feedback criticism is welcome. Vomment!(:

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