Chapter Six

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The clock read 11:00. It had been an hour since my mom and Mr. Lei went to bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Nick 'you ready?' he sent back 'bby I was born ready'. I looked at my reflection one last time. I had on a rather simple outfit, just a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, red one shoulder top and black vans. Usually I'd wear heels but it would be pretty hard to sneak out in heels. I grabbed a black clutch, and headed down to Nicks room. I opened without knocking and came face to face with the asshole himself.

"Ever heard of knocking", he asked while shaking his head. I just scoffed and slipped past him into his room. I tried not to touch anythiing god kows what anything is. I walked- well more like tip toed over towards his window. I pushed something that looked like year old pizza out of the way and opened the window. The cool breeze stung my cheeks. I looked back at Nick to see if he was there but he wasn't. Oh well I don't have time to wait I'm already beyond fashionably late. I sat on the window sill so both of my legs were outside. I tucked my clutch into the band of my pants and reached over to grab one of hte tree branches with my left hand. I slipped off the window sill and swung my left hand over. I shimmied my way down the branch, trying to het as little wood on my clothes and possible. I put my feet on the branch below and stood looking down. I had a long way to go yet. Sighing I continued my climb down until I was close enough to jump. I jumped down and landed on the balls of my feet so I didn't make to much noise. I seen Nicks car sitting on the road a few houses down. How the hell did he get out there? He wasn't behind me. Oh well, I quickly ran across the yard toward his car. I was thankful for the darkness covering me from sight. When I reached his car I opened the passenger side door and got in. He started the far and drove away.

"How did you get down so quick?", I asked while brushing the tree bark off of me.

"I walked out the door."

"You what!? You could have been caught". he shrugged  his shoulders like it was no big deal. Man if he would have been caught it wouldn't only have been his ass getting in trouble, it would have been mine too. We didn't talk the rest of the way. Actually we didn't even need the car, it was within walking distance. I climbed out of the car and walked into the house the party way at. The music wasn't blasting to loud, I guess it was so the neighbors wouln't get to suspicioius. I walked around until I found Evan and the group standing by the keg.

"Babe what took  you so long", Evan slurred while bringing me in for a crushing hug.

"I had some difficulties at the house" I lied through my smile. I didn't really plan on telling anyone about being grounded. Hopefully Nick felt the same way. Nick handed me a beer which I downed instantly. What? Sneaking out is a lot of work. I can't have to much to drink though, it'll be hard to climb the tree back up if I'm drunk. Me and Evan danced for a little bit then the girls asked me if I would sing kareoke with them. I was a little reluctant on singing because I wasn't drunk enough to forget about it but I guess if I want to bond with them I should. The song they chose to sing was 'How to be a Heartbreaker' by Maria and the Diamonds. This was one of my favorite songs so before I knew it I lost myself in the music. The girls just as easily lost themselves, probably because they were trashed. After we finished the song I tried not to be to embarrassed. Most people won't remember anyway. I looked at the clock it read 2:13. I should really get going who knowswhat time the parents get up. I looked around t he room for Nick and surprise surprise he was by the keg. I pushed my way across the room trying no to  touch everyones sweaty body.

"Nick, we need to go hom", I grabbed his hand, ingnoring the faint spark and tugged on it.

"I'm staying", he slurred, pulling his hand from my grasp. I mumbled whateveer and headed towards the door. I stuck by the wall and kept my head down so I could go unnoticed. The last thing I wanted to do was tell everyone that I had to leave because I was grounded. Finally I reached the door and I quickly slipped out. The smell of the fresh air was so nice compared to the smell of alcohol that was inside. I ran home hoping that the run would sober me up. I wasn't that drunk but still I can't take the risk of a hangover tomorrow. When I reached my house I glanced around to make sure no one was around then dashed over to the tree. I know Nick was able to walk right down the stairs but I wasn't risking it. Surprisingly, the climb up was a lot easier than the climb down. I hoisted myself up in through Nicks window then closed it behind me. I should really get a shower to get hte alcohol smell off me but I know as soon as I run the water it'll wake them up. So instead I took my bothes off and sprayed them with perufme before putting them in the hamper.  Then I took a wash cloth, wet it, and scrubbed at my body until the scent went away. I then brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouth wash. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was messy and I looked like I got hit by a bus. Oh well, you can't look good all the time. I creaped over to my bedroom and eased the door shut. I then put on an oversized tye die t-shirt and layed down for a well needed sleep.

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