Chapter Five

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There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying. - Sarah Dessen

The first day of school is always full of pressure. The first day at a NEW school is even worse. You have to look good on your first day, of course you have to look good everyday but you have to look your best on the first day. This is the day where I make friends and am either grouped with the popular people or the nobody's. I'm confident I will be with the popular people unless the people here are really stuck up. I looked at my finished outfit in the mirror. I was wearing a white sleeveless paisley top dress that went to about mid thigh with a denim jacket over top and a pair of low cut cowboy boots. My long brown hair was in soft curls and my makeup was done for a smokey effect. I think it looked good and it didn't make me look like I was pleading to be accepted. I grabbed a brown over the shoulder purse to top it off and I was ready to go. After walking three long flights of steps, man they really need to get an elevator or something, I reached the kitchen where everyone was already sitting around the breakfast table.

"I'm sorry but you're not going to school with that on, you need something that's a little longer", Mr. Lei said while giving me a pointed look. Is he crazy? Mom always lets me where whatever I want. Besides hes not my father I don't have to listen to him. I looked at my mom waiting for her to defend me, but she refused to meet my eyes.

"Sorry but you're not my father. I don't have to listen to you", I finally said after my mom didn't defend me. At this her head snapped up and she finally looked at me.

"He said get changed, so get changed show some respect. He is letting you live in his house.", I scoffed at this, my mom should be the last person preaching to me about respect. She is the one who taught me how to be a big bad bitch after all.

"Since when do you care! I'm only taking after my dear mother", my voice was laced with anger "It's not like I asked to move in her with him, I don't want to be here! I wanted to stay back home, you're the one of brought me to this hell hole!" After my outburst I fled out of the house ignoring the screams of 'get back here' that followed me. I know I'm going to pay for this later but I don't really care right now. I made it to the end of the driveway before I stopped. Shit I don't know where the school is. I reached into my purse and grabbed my phone, I was just about to call Evan when I heard a car pull up along side of me.

"Get in before they come and drag you back into the house", Nick said while rolling his window back up. I looked behind me and saw that my mom and Mr. Lei were indeed running after me to most likely drag me back into the house and ruin my life. I quickly ran around the front of the car to the passenger side and hopped it. Nick quickly took off leaving the parentals gaping in shock at the car.

"You're going to get into trouble for doing this", I stated the obvious because I didn't know what else to say. I could have thanked him but he would probably just say some smart ass remark back to me.

"I'd do anything to defy against my father" the sincerity is what he said shocked me. That's the most heart to heart thing he has ever said to me. A small smile started to spread onto my face. I was going to say something back but we were already pulling into the school parking lot. I didn't know we lived so close to the school but I should have figured that we did in a town this small. "Don't talk to me at school, if you want a ride back to the house afterwards meet me around the back of the school at exactly 3, if you're not there by 3 you're walking", he practically pushed me out of my door. Man he really is an asshole, maybe I'll sit with him at lunch. As I opened the door to the school I couldn't help but feel a little self conscious as everyone was staring at me. I continued down the hallway not having the slightest clue as to wear I was going.

"Hey babe need a little help getting around?", Evan asked me. He came out of nowhere but I wasn't complaining a familiar face was comforting right now. I looked at what he was wearing, he had on a simple black tee and jeans. Some how he made this look wonderfully hot yet simple.

"That be great", I shot him a nervous smile. If it was even possible more people were staring at me now. It seemed like everyone had there eyes on me. He placed his hand on the small of my back causing everyone to start whispering. I handed him my schedule and tried to hear what everyone was saying. Everything sounded along the lines of 'what is he doing with her' or 'how does she know him already'. As we were walking people were calling out greetings to him but he didn't seem to notice. He must be popular, or he wouldn't be attracting this much attention.

"Here we are", he said opening the door of my first period class for me "I'll pick you up after class to take you to your next one." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. I blushed as the class erupted into hoots and hollers. I looked around to see if there was a place for me to sit. The only seat was in the back surrounded by a few guys and girls that looked to be on the popular side. I smiled to myself, good maybe they'll accept me into there group. I walked silently to the seat making eye contact with those around it to show I wasn't scared. I sat down and the blonde to my left turned in her seat to look at me.

"So your the girl holding Evans attention", she smiled and extended her hand "I'm Ali, and this is Ashley, Brooklyn, Josh, and Cody" she pointed at each person as she said there names. Ali, Ashley, and Brooklyn looked pretty much the same, they all had there blonde hair done the same way, brown eyes, heart shaped face and the same petite frame. They had on matching red dresses with black pumps and bright red lipstick. Josh had long brown hair and green eyes. He was buff but not overly buff. Cody on the other hand had short black hair with green eyes, he was also that buff but not overly buff. I'm guessing they were both football players.

"I'm Rose", I said shaking Ali's outstretched hand.

"Oh we know, we've heard all about you", Josh said. Just then the teacher started her lecture. Well if Evans talking about me that must mean he likes me! This thought put a in a better mood then what I was in before. The next five periods went by quickly, besides first period I have the rest of my classes with Ali, Ashley, Brooklyn, Josh, Cody, and Evan. I found out from Ali that Nick was in our lunch and the last two classes of the day and he was apart of there group. At lunch we sat in the center table and the rest of the tables formed a circle around ours. It sounded like something from a movie but whatever. The girls had salads while I had a cheese burger and cheese fries like the guys. I scarfed down my food in record time, not eating breakfast this morning left me starving. Everyone stared at me and then started laughing.

"You are so not lady like", Cody said between his laughter. I smacked the back of his head for saying that causing everyone else to laugh. I looked over at Nick who to my surprise way laughing. The whole 'don't talk to me thing' is gone now whether he likes it or not. The rest of lunch was just small talk and chatter. At the end of our seventh period Cody brought up a party that was going on tonight, apparently it was suppose to be a big one. Everyone one agreed on going. The bell rang signaling the end of class. Evan kissed me on the cheek and said he'd see me at the party. I followed Nick to his car and climbed in. The car ride home was silent besides the music that was playing in the background.

"You ready for this?", I asked Nick has we stood in front of the front door to our house.

"I was born ready", he smirked and opened the door. I didn't even have time to mentally prepare myself for the screaming match that headed our way. I deiced to stay quite and let them blow there steam off. I guess Nick had the same idea because he was quite the whole time too. Finally at the end of there rant they both said we were grounded for the week. We weren't even allowed to go to school. Nick and I nodded silently and headed up the stairs. When we reached the top of the third flight we looked at each other and smiled.

"Looks like we're sneaking out tonight."

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