Chapter Eight

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The week went by extremely fast and before I knew it, it was Friday. I had put the guys in charge of alcohol and the girls helped me decorate and cook a few snacks for the party. I smiled as Evan gave me a kiss on my forhead. He is so sweet and hot, he really is the ideal guy. I've been thinking a lot about the mysterious guy who kissed me that night at the party. Sometimes I think that it was my imagination playing a trick on me, but I really don't think that is the case. Oh well, I have a party to attend to.

The party was in full swing, and Nick was enjoying his surprise party. Cody and Brooklyn were making out in the corner. Hmm, I'll have to ask her about that later.  Just the other day she was saying how much she couldn't stand him. 

Looking around at all these couples made me sick. I know I have Evan know but it still hurts to see other couples because I miss ex, Ricco. I hate that I had to leave him and all my friends behind. I want nothing more than to go back. After I graduate I am totally moving back. 

I was just about to go upstairs when Ali grabbed me."Where are you going!? Were gonna do body shots and you're first!" I didn't even have time to object before I was dragged over to the table that was now set up in the center of the room. Ali ripped my shit off of me despite my many protest and pushed me down onto the table. I was going to get up but Cody was on his way over to most likely take the shot off of me. He was almost to the table when Nick jumped up to the table.

"Birthday boy first!" I tried to object but Ashley told me to shut up. Before I could get up the warm liquid was on my stomache and Nick was licking it off. I couldn't help the shiver that ran through my body and his tounge touched my skin. It was like he was lightning and he struck my stomache and set free a cage of butterflies. It was an absolutely wonderful feeling. Wait. What the hell am I thinking. He is my stepbother. I can not feel that way. Its probably only the effect of the alcohol. Yeah, thats definetely it, I said to myself.

AN; I know it is another short and boring one but interesting things will start to happen next chapter so be patient with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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